Vyotech Viraloid
Thunder from down under... Introducing Viraloid, the amazing new Australian super anabolic that blows away all "pre-historic" steroids and prohormones! If you need to pack on up to 30 pounds of ripped, shredded muscle the fastest way possible, then please read this urgent announcement about an amazing new super anabolic developed by researchers at the Australian Institute of Physiological Sciences . . . and you'll discover how they created the world's most perfect anabolic that's light years ahead of pre-historic prohormones or steroids! Imagine for a moment you're a chemist and you were just awarded a $10 million dollar scientific grant to create the most perfect anabolic compound in the world. How would you want it to work? Well, for starters, you'd certainly want a compound that causes massive protein synthesis in the muscle cell; after all . . . this is why anabolic steroids build muscle faster than anything known to man. Simply put, anabolic steroids dramatically accelerate the rate at which proteins inside the muscle cell replicate themselves . . . thus forming much bigger muscles, much more rapidly!
The second thing you'd probably want is for all this rapid protein synthesis and muscle building to take place without hindering your own natural hormone production, because as you know, the "most imperfect" part about all prescription steroids and all prohormones is they shut-down your natural testosterone production, big time!! The reason for this is simple. All steroids and prohormones are synthetic derivatives of testosterone, so when you take them your body begrudgingly shuts off its natural production because it "senses" an outside source, and gets lazy. And because this is true . . . the third thing you'd want in the perfect anabolic would be for it to raise natural testosterone output instead of lower it.
Does Viraloid work?
Viraloid User Reviews
Viraliod is perfect for anyone who wants to get ripped,and add lots of muscle. I used it and i cant get enough, it's awesome.
This product was a little disappointing to me. I expected more results. I didn't have any weight gain, instead I had an acne attack (side effects).
I have been on it for 6 days so far and it has been great. no side effects so far. Bench is increasing dramatically and it really gets you cut too. I'll let you guys know more in a week or so.
(The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of TrulyHuge.com)
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