Strength Training Routine
The following are
methods of high intensity strength training, and should be done by individuals with
a good lifting background. These should be used sparingly to shock
the muscles or to help you get over a plateau. Allow for adequate
warm-up and rest and go to positive failure on each set.
- Forced Reps: After positive failure is reached spotters assist
you in doing a couple of more reps.
- Partials: Doing a
movement through a small range of motion. Usually used to strengthen the
weak part of a lift. Also commonly seen when the person is using
too much weight and can't do the full movement.
- Negatives: Using a
weight that's above your max and only perform the negative portion (The
part of the activity where the weight is moving with gravity).
Spotters lift the weight through the positive area and you do the
- Stripping: Doing a
set to failure then the spotters remove some weight and you do a
few more reps to failure. This can continue for many
- Burns: After positive
failure occurs, continue doing mini-reps (a few inches of movement) to
keep stress on the muscles.
- Super Set: To further
fatigue a muscle an isolation movement is followed immediately by a
basic movement. i.e. Flyes followed by doing a Bench
- Tri Set: Similar to
Super Sets only three exercises are used instead of two.
- 21's: Do half of the
movement for 7 reps, then do the other half for 7 reps then do 7 full
reps. i.e. Barbell curl: Curl from arms straight to 90 degrees for 7
reps. Then curl from 90 degrees to arms perpendicular to floor for
7 reps. Then do 7 full reps.
Remember to look in the
bodywork's section of this site, for a complete list of exercises for the
body. This section is open for all to see, not just Netfit member, they
will be getting a lot more in the form of exercise programs, motivation,
competitions, plus all my ideas for keeping fit and
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