Nutrex Lipo 6 Information
Lipo-6 by Nutrex is the first and only fat-burner that utilizes maximum strength liquid capsules for superior absorption and unprecedented results. Never before has a fat-loss formula offered such an advanced method of delivering powerful fat-burning compounds, quickly, effectively and safely. With Lipo-6 Liquid Capsules, you should experience far greater fat-burning results than with any other fat-burning product on the market today!
Lipo-6 Liquid Capsules is scientifically engineered to be used by women, who have difficulty losing body fat in those stubborn glute and thigh areas as well as getting rid of stomach fat. Through specific localized receptor site targeting, Lipo-6 does its fat-burning job, where other weight loss supplements have long stopped working.
The highly advanced liquid capsule formula of Lipo-6 causes a strong, general, as well as localized, fat-burning effect in men. This unique feature rapidly enhances muscle definition and a lean midsection, while attacking those troubled love handles and lower back areas. Men will find Lipo-6 to be clearly superior to ordinary fat-burners.
Side effects are well recognized and may include central nervous system stimulation that causes anxiety attacks.
Lipo 6 Customer Reviews
I have taken Lipo 6 for about a month. I only take one pill a day because I am a small person, I use it for energy. This stuff really wakes me up!! Thank gosh I have not had any side effects from Lipo 6 like I did when I took products with ephedrine.
I started taking this over the summer and didn't notice much results. They did give me a lot of energy and increased my heart rate but didn't really do much for me for burning fat. I only lost about 5 pounds over an entire two months. If anything they seemed to increase my appetite and the large amount of caffene can make you really shaky. I would not reccomend this, anything that contains mostly caffene is not good, you might as well drink a bottle of diet mountain dew a day and you would be better off.
The stuff works.....period. However, be sure you follow the directions about starting off slowly and not before bed. I have never not been able to sleep until I took too much of this. Muscle defination was present during the first week of use. Can't wait to see me in 30 days.
(The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of
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