This new approach to changing the way that you control how and where you put on muscle is something that is refreshing a new. It takes a close look at the two different ways that we put on muscle which has conclusively proven by sports science to work.
The first is something that we all know has worked since the dawn of time and it is the basics which we know work very well and it is not only the use of simple compound exercises like the squat, the deadlift and the bench-press but also the way that we lift the weight and the sets and reps.
Although the presentation of the visual impact way of training is presented in a video format it is selling an eBook and DVD that breaks new growth in shaping your body to suit your specific objective. It starts with the difference between Sarcoplasmic and Myofribrillar hypertrophy and how it works.
In a nutshell Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy is growth caused by the increase in fluid (sarcoplasm) within a muscle cell. This is a fast way to increase the size of a muscle, but since sarcoplasm is a fluid and can't won't make the muscle significantly stronger.
The video explains specifically how you train this way to get a rapid increase in size and how the muscle will look "puffy" and full of water and how you specifically train in order to create that muscle density and size that you might be looking for.
In the video he explains that too much sarcoplasmic focused training? This creates that large "fluffy" look. The muscles look doughy and rounded -not- sharp and angular. After explaining the basics that are covered in the book he also explains briefly the difference with Myofibrillar training.
Too much focus on myofibrillar training he says creates smaller dense muscles. Although the muscles are hard and angular, they tend to be undersized. What he is suggesting is creating the perfect combination of these two types of training to reach your specific objective.
He continues to explain that when looking at the specific of visual impact bodybuilding that a vitally important factor is what he calls the "Shrink Wrap" effect. What he means is creating a look that you can see the dense angular muscles under your paper thin skin.
He explains that his program has a detailed 3 phase plan, where each phase "builds upon" the previous phase...creating a razor sharp physique by the end of the last phase. He also mentions that it is not the type of exercise that you choose to do but rather the volume and the sets and reps that are important.
He takes this point even farther by describing that there is very little difference when training on Machines, Free Weights, Body Weight, etc. He says that you should select exercises and do whatever you enjoy and use your own specific favorite form of resistance.
Do you prefer machines over free-weights? Do you like a mix of body weight exercises. Do you like to work out with resistance bands? Are you into kettle bells? The cool thing about this plan is that it allows flexibility of both exercise selection as well as the type of equipment you can use.
He says that we should not fall for the myth that it takes only "free weights" to gain muscle and get ripped. He says that you can get results with any form of training as long as you are doing it correctly.
The video concludes with him saying that if you purchase his eBook and DVD combination you can test drive it for a full 60 days. In the event that you don't make drastic improvements in this time period and are well on your way to your ideal physique, you will receive all your money back, period.
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