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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Product Reviewed: Pumped Extreme - Kre-Alkalyn Complex Creatine
Rating: 5 Star
Reviewer: Max Mussello

Out of all the Creatine's I've tried, from powdered monohydrate creatine
to fancy sounding pre-made stacks, this Kre-Alkylyn complex called 
Pumped Extreme is hands down the best ever. The first part of this 
creatine review will be a Pumped Extreme Review, because it is the best 
creatine supplement that I have ever tried and it has given me the most 
muscular gains!

Having a sensitive stomach and an aversion to putting chemicals or 
anything unnatural in my body, this was like a miracle solution for me! 
Pumped Extreme comes in a capsule format, and you can avoid all the 
common side effects associated with traditional creatine use such as 
cramping, diahrea, indigestion, anxiety attacks, etc. This was my 
experience anyway, and I cannot tell you that creatine works like 
illegal steroids, because it doesn't. I can tell you though that I 
have used many different brands in the past with minimal results, 
and now that I have used Pumped Extreme I have actually seen some 
great gains in strength AND muscle SIZE, and I haven't had any 
negative side affects! I have used it for over a month and a half 
to date!

For full details go to Pumped Extreme Kre-Alkylyn Creatine

     Fitness Tips For 11/25/2015

Tricep Tri Set Workout

The Turbocharged Triceps Trio Workout There is perhaps no other muscle group as important to the body as the triceps as they are involved in all pushing movements and are that gateway through which other exercises such as the bench press are performed. Add to this the fact that the triceps make up the majority of upper arm size and strength and you have every reason to want your triceps training to excel. Here is a workout that will turbocharge your triceps training. Behind-the-Head Press This move is often employed for shoulder work and is indeed a shoulder builder but it is also a great triceps exercise. In fact John Grimek picked this out as the very top lift for building bulging triceps, and his certainly were massive and muscular. So too have other bodybuilders singled out the behind the head press for creating outsized triceps development. A few sets of this move at the beginning of your workout will really bomb your triceps. Weighted Dip The dip is another superb triceps training tool, and when put into play right after the behind the head press your arms will start to ache right away. And that's a good ache, a muscle building type of ache. The weighted dip will help you build even more mass and power into the triceps, so perform four sets of this great exercise. Flared Cable Push down Your triceps will have already had a good heavy workload so you only need a couple of sets of the cable pushdown to top them off with a super burn. And add a little twist to get more out of this move – a flare out at the bottom. This will help hit all three heads of the triceps in this one exercise. As you near the bottom of your stroke, deliberately flip your wrists outward to get a little more distance and a push on the outer edge of the triceps. Get in 20 reps for a couple of sets. Submit A Fitness Tip If you have a tip you'd like to share e-mail it to us
Tricep Tri Set Workout

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