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Truly Huge Fitness Tips
Presented by TrulyHuge.com
Get Lean Quick 14 Day Fat Loss System
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For full details go to: Get Lean Quick 14 Day
Fitness Tips For 10/1/2008
Smart Eating Tips
Eat Smart
1. Make changes for the long haul. "I learned how to eat and live with
it for therest of my life," says Barbara Miltenberger, 42,who lost more
than 40 pounds and hasn't seen any come back in three years.
2. Stop dieting. "The best thing I did was quit dieting," says Reed.
"I'd always find ways to cheat. So instead, I stopped forbidding myself
certain foods and just started eating less of them."
3. Get a grip on reality. "When I started keeping a food diary, I
discovered that I was eating somewhere between 3,000 and 4,000 calories
a day," says Rebecca, 46, who found the number shocking.
4. Eat minimeals. Having smaller, more frequent meals can prevent you
from gettingravenously hungry and overeating. On average, weight loss
winners eat five times a day.
5. Follow the 90% to 10% rule. "If you watch what you eat 90% of the
time, the other 10% is not a problem," says Mucci-Hurlburt, who
learned this tip from a fitness professional.
6. Dine at the dinner table only. If you eat in front of the TV, then
every time you nestle in with the remote control, it's a cue to eat.
Instead,designate an eating spot for all meals and snacks. "Even when
I want potato chips, I set the table just like I was going to sit
down for a full course meal," says Kathy Wilson, 47, who took off more
than 100 pounds. "I put a handful of chips on the plate, put the bag
away, and then sit down to eat. I never just stand at the counter and
eat now."
7. Think before you bite. Creating rituals - like Wilson did or the
old standby of waiting 10 minutes before giving into a craving - can
stop you from eating when you really aren't hungry. "Nine chances out
of 10 the chips go back in the cupboard, and I just walk away," says
8. Drink up. "Drinking lots of water keeps me from snacking when I'm
not hungry, and it gives me more energy," says Revitt. "It also
stopped what I thought were hunger headaches, which were probably due
to dehydration. "