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Fitness Tips For 9/10/2008
Deadlift Training
Deadlifts, King of Exercises?
By Scott Miller
While to most, the squat is king, to many, the deadlift goes
hand-in-hand as one of the kings of exercises. Both squats
and Deadlifts should be included in one’s training routine.
The deadlift is one of the most natural lifting positions done.
How frequently do we lift something from the floor?
Squats are a great mass builder, focusing on the legs and low back.
Deadlifts focus less on the legs but hit nearly the rest of the
entire body - and quite hard.
Deadlift Exercise Overview
Basically, a deadlift is just lifting the bar from the floor from a
bent over position, to a fully erect standing position. Sounds easy,
right? Not quite. When done properly, deads hit more muscles than
just about any other lift.
As with any of the big, compound movements, deads have to be done
with good form. If not, injury can occur and be debilitating or,
the lifter will not be able to advance very far in the amount of
weight lifted.
Deadlift Form
Starting position, the bar is placed over the center of the feet,
nearly touching the front of the ankle/shins. The lifter’s
shoulders should be in front of the bar, but not too far. If the
back angle to the floor is too horizontal (parallel to the floor),
the quads are removed and the lifter ends up doing a stiff-legged
deadlift. If the back is too vertical, the hips will come up
before the bar leaves the floor, putting the bar in a bad position
making it harder to lift. The lifter’s back should be arched (belly
out/chest up) and not rounded.
As the pull is started, the bar should nearly be dragged up the
shins by using the arms (lats) to keep it in that position.
At lockout, the shoulders are back and the rest of the body is in
the correct anatomical standing position.
The bar should travel in a vertical line from floor to lockout.
Deadlift Benefits
When done with good form, Deadlifts are an excellent size builder.
When done with good form, Deadlifts are an excellent strength builder.
Deadlifts are one of the best true core exercises there is.
Deadlifts hit the entire back, including erector spinae, lats,
rhomboids and traps (hit the traps quite hard).
Deadlifts hit the quads, hammies, glutes, abs, shoulders and even
the forearms (grip).
Deadlifts skyrocket the production of testosterone and GH (like squats).
Deadlifts help increase the metabolism.
As you can see, the squat might be revered as ‘the king’, but
deadlifts should be rated just as highly.
Reference material for form: Strong Enough? By Mark Rippetoe