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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Actualize Your Muscular Potential In One Year!

Without a doubt, Mike Mentzer was one of the most intelligent 
bodybuilders to ever grace the bodybuilding platform, and one 
of the most controversial. 

Mike Mentzer (Mr. Universe) claimed that an individual could 
realize his or her genetic potential in one year! See and hear
him align his reasons, deliver the unassailable logic, 
responsible for his belief that fulfilling one's potential 
should require very little time. Although controversial, one 
must admit that Mentzer stimulates thought like no other 
in the field. 

Go to Mike Mentzer's Underground Seminar 

     Fitness Tips For 8/27/2008

High Intensity Arm Workout

This is one of the best arm routines I have ever done, I got it 
from reading the works of Dr. Ellington Darden. Myself and many 
others have added up to 1" to our arms in only 30 days of super 
intense effort.

Here is the workout, it is short but if done right should be one 
of the hardest things you have ever done.


One-repetition chin-up as slow as you can: From a dead hang, 
pull up to the top position in exactly 60 seconds. Then, lower 
yourself taking another 60 seconds. That's right: 60 seconds up 
and 60 seconds down.

Right after the one-repetition chin-up, do not rest at all, move 
as fast as possible and do the barbell standing biceps curl. Do 
as many reps as you can to complete failure.

After a short rest, you are now ready to hit your triceps.


One-repetition dip as slow as you can: Starting from the 
bottom position, move to the top in 60 seconds, and then back 
down for another 60 seconds. 

Immediately, with no rest, grab a heavy dumbbell in both hands 
and do the standing triceps extension. Once again take this 
exercise to total failure.

Some tips to get the best results are:

* Take one week off from training before starting.

* Do the arm routine first in your workout.

* Do only one set of each of the four exercises, but don't hold 
back on effort - work harder not more. 

* Do the arm workout 2 to 3 times a week, resting 2 to 3 days 
between workouts - depending on your own personal recovery 

* Do all your other bodyparts also for only one set to failure, 
but train those only once a week.

Give this High Intensity Arm Workout all you've got and you 
too will be rewarded with bigger arms!

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