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Truly Huge Fitness Tips
Presented by TrulyHuge.com
Save Hundreds, Build Your Own Power Rack / Multi-Gym
From Common Materials, No Welding, Easy Detailed Plans.
Perform over 10 exercises, bench press, squat, T- bar row, cable
rows, standing calf machine lat pulldowns, tricep extensions,
standing cable flyes, partial lifts, cable abdominal crunches, cable
side laterals, hanging leg raises, chins, cable bicep curls, bent
over cable laterals, incline bench press, and more.
Safety bars eliminate need for spotter, ALL MATERIALS can be
obtained from your local lumber yard and industrial supply
outlet . there is absolutely NO WELDING REQUIRED.
Fully detailed plans, diagrams and drawings. Construction is
simple and quick, no special skills required, can be built for a
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For full information: https://www.trulyhuge.com/gymplans.htm
Fitness Tips For 6/25/2008
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Workout
Revamp Your Routine
By Scott Miller
I'm not talking about all new exercises or routines, I'm talking
about taking full advantage of the routine you use now.
You see so many people at the gym talking, goofing off, just
there going through the motions. If you're there to get
Truly Huge (like I am), then there's not much room for that
until you're done with your daily routine.
Many people don't even do warmups - it's quite surprising. I
started doing warmups quite a while back, but just went through
the motions. Now, I make sure every rep of every set of warmups
is doing just that, warming me up for the heavy lifting to follow.
On your working sets, concentrate on each rep and each set,
making sure you're doing your best to keep your form intact and
doing the reps with purpose. Benching today? Feet flat on the
floor, keeping your back on the bench, lower the bar slowly, no
bounce off of your chest and concentrate on working your pecs to
the fullest.
Between sets - stretch. I've just started doing that and it
does make a difference. It helps keep the blood flowing and the
muscles warm. I've found I can actually push/pull or lift more.
Don't forget about one other big thing for your routine - GOALS.
I can't stress this enough, either. If you don't have any goals,
you won't ever get anywhere or shoot for anything. Set goals,
right them down and keep track of your progress.
My goals for 2007 at age 44 - 315# bench press, 450# squat
again and 550# deadlift.