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Truly Huge Fitness Tips
Presented by TrulyHuge.com
Get Lean Quick 14 Day Fat Loss Kit
"I used your Get Lean Quick program a month or so ago and
lost pounds, which I have not regained. The reason, I
believe, that it worked so well for me is that because
of the added supplements, the plan was fairly easy to
follow through on. Generally, a diet leaves me
listless, and unable to get the maximum benefit out
of a workout. The supplements gave me the energy I
needed to keep up with my fairly intense workouts.
Thank you and thank you for the product.
Best Regards,
Susan M."
For full information go to: https://www.trulyhuge.com/get-lean-quick.html
Fitness Tips For 6/11/2008
How To Develop Good Exercise Habits
Make It a Habit
The key to a lifetime of fitness is consistency. Here are some
tips to help make regular exercise a habit:
Choose an activity you enjoy that fits your lifestyle.
Set realistic goals, and tailor your program to your own fitness
Give your body a chance to adjust to your new routine.
Stay positive even though you may not see immediate results.
Don't give up if you miss a day; just get back on track the next
Find a partner for a little motivation and socialization (support
from family and friends has been positively related to regular
physical activity).
Build some rest days into your exercise schedule.
Listen to your body. If you experience unusual symptoms (e.g.,
have difficulty breathing or experience faintness or prolonged
weakness during or after exercise) consult your physician.
Choosing more than one type of physical activity will give your
body a thorough workout and help prevent boredom. You might want
to choose one indoor exercise and one outdoor activity to allow
for changes in your schedule or for bad weather.
The important thing to remember is move, move, and move!
Incorporate as much physical activity as you can into your
daily life, through exercise and routine activities.