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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Mike Mentzer's HIT Exercise DVD

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Mike Mentzer, master of the art of bodybuilding, best 
selling author and Mr. Universe Bodybuilding Champion. 

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     Fitness Tips For 4/16/2008
20 Rep Squats And Milk Bodybuilding Program
Gaining Muscle With Squats And Milk
- The 20 Rep Squat Routine -
By Lee Hayward

One of the fastest ways to gain size and strength in the entire body 
is by following the 20 Rep Squat Routine (aka the "squats and milk" 
program). This is an old time workout routine that has been around 
for over 50 years, but it works awesome for fast gains. Even if you 
are a hard gainer. 

The way it works is you train 3 days a week (i.e. Monday, Wednesday, 
and Friday) 

Each workout you will start with full squats. Do 2-3 easy warm up sets 
to get the blood flowing and to warm up your joints. Then take a 
moderate weight and do 1 set of 20 reps. For each rep take a couple 
big mouthfuls of air, hold your breath, squat down and up, and repeat. 
As you progress through the reps you will need to take more breaths 
in between reps. During reps 15-20 you may need to take 5 or more big 
mouthfuls of air in between reps. It takes me up to 3 minutes to 
complete 1 all out set of 20 rep squats. 

Each workout add 5 lbs. to the squats and get all 20 reps. This is the 
key to making serious muscle gains with the program. You have to make 
5 lb. jumps in weight each workout. 

Make no mistake about this routine is brutally tough, those 20 rep 
squats will take every bit of energy that you have, but the gains 
are awesome. This routine will stimulate your entire body to grow 
bigger and stronger. High rep squatting stimulates the central 
nervous system and has a progressional muscle building effect on 
the entire body. This will cause muscle growth in the arms, chest,
back, and shoulders, as well as the legs. 

After you finish the 20 rep squats do some other supplemental 
exercises to complete the workout. 

For example, you could do a circuit routine of: 
Chin Ups, Dips, and Sit Ups. 

- Do a set of chin ups for as many reps as you can do
Rest a minute
- Do a set of dips for as many reps as you can do
Rest a minute
- Do a set of sit ups for as many reps as you can do

Repeat for a total of 3 sets of each exercise.
And strive to perform at least 1 additional rep on each set for 
your next workout. 

The other exercises that you do after the 20 rep squats can vary 
depending on your training goals and personal preferences. 

Instead of a circuit of chin ups, dips, and sit ups you could 
train chest with one workout, work your back with the next 
workout, and do some arm training with the next workout. 

The main thing is that you start each workout with the 20 rep 
squats and add 5 lbs. to the bar each time. This progressive 
overload will force your muscles to grow like nothing else. 

Bulk Up Diet - Squats and "Milk" 

As for your diet you need to eat as much food as you can, and as 
often as you can. The program is called "squats and milk" because 
the old timers used to drink at least 1 gallon of milk every 
single day to help them gain weight with the program because milk
is high in protein, vitamins, minerals, and calories. 

A typical days eating for the 20 rep squats and milk program 
would look something like this: 

Eggs, pancakes, piece of fruit, and a glass of milk

Bran Muffin and a glass of milk

Sandwich (i.e. meat, cheese, tuna fish, etc.)
piece of fruit and a glass of milk

Granola bar, couple slices of cheese, and a glass of milk

Generous portions of meat (i.e. chicken, beef, pork, etc.)
Pasta, Rice, or Potatoes
Green veggies
glass of milk

Sandwich (i.e. meat, cheese, tuna fish, etc.)
piece of fruit and a glass of milk

*also be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day 

This is just a sample eating plan, you can change it around 
to suit your own tastes. But you get the idea of how much 
you should eat and how often in order to gain size and 

If you strictly follow the 20 rep squat program and consume 
a good high calorie diet you can realistically gain approx. 
10-20 lbs. of muscular bodyweight with in the next 2-3 

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