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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

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     Fitness Tips For 10/24/2007
How To Use The Glycemic Index (GI) Of Foods 

The GI is a scale that ranges from 0-100 and rates how quickly a 
food gets digested and raises blood glucose levels. New studies from 
Loughborough University (Loughborough, England) examined the effects 
of low-and high-GI foods on insulin, muscle glycogen and fat 
utilization, discovering that when athletes ate low-GI carbs at 
breakfast and lunch, they had lower insulin levels and burned more 
fat during the day as compared to those who ate high-GI carbs. They 
also found that muscle glycogen was better spared in those who ate 
low-GI and then trained, most likely a result of greater fat use 
during the workout.

Recommendation: Before you workout, don't consume foods that rank 
high on the glycemix index (75-100); right after you work out, though, 
choose high-GI carbs to crank up insulin and muscle growth. Low-GI 
foods include oatmeal, apples, bananas, oranges, and sweet potatoes. 
Ranking high on the glycemic index are Gatorade, plain bagels, white 
bread, corn flakes, Rice Krispies cereal, Cream of Wheat, rice cakes
and baked potatoes.

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