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Truly Huge Fitness Tips
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Fitness Tips For 10/17/2007
Eat Healthy Fats And Oils
Researchers performing a study for Loma Linda University (California)
concluded that consuming dietary fats may not necessarily make you
fat. The study, published in the Journal of Obesity, compared two
low-calorie plans similar in calorie and protein in take (about 1,015
calories and 30% protein), but differing in fat and carbohydrate
The higher-fat plan consisted of 39% fat-most of it from almonds (84g)
–and 32% carbohydrates. The higher-carb plan consisted of 53% carbs,
from complex-carb sources, and 18% fat. The subjects followed their
plans for 24 weeks, and then researchers compared the results. Those
who added almonds lost 62% more, and 50% more from their waistlines
compared to those on the complex-carb-supplemented diet.
Recommendation: To get lean, include healthy fats found in nuts,
seeds, olives and fatty fish. At the same time, lower your carb
in take so that you're not consuming extra calories.