Truly Huge Fitness Tips
Presented by TrulyHuge.com
A Secret Perhaps Only 2 Out of 100
Weight Trainers Knows Anything About...
Increasing Your Grip Strength Is The Secret Weapon
For Lifting Heavier Weights And Building Huge Muscles
Learn These Awesome Grip Strength Training Secrets To
Improve All Your Lifts and Increase Your Muscle Mass Fast
For full details go to Grip Strength Training
Fitness Tips For 9/19/2007
Grip Strength Training Exercises For The Grip of Death
By Kyle
When was the last time you worked your grip to failure, enlisting
the use of drop sets, beyond-failure training, and forced reps for
your forearms and fingers? People often blame their weak grip for
their lack of progress in strength or hypertrophy training of
certain body parts or movements. Even though our grip is called
upon each and every day under a variety of circumstances, grip
training takes a back seat in most training programs.
There are many ways people train their grip. Some people buy grip
closers to work their grip during the day so they don't have to
put up with it during their training workout. Some do direct grip
work on their training day.
Although there isn't a universal exercise that will make the grip
problem go away, many people experiment with different exercises
and different holds to help them develop better grip strength.
Below I've listed some traditional exercises that will help you
achieve a mighty grip of death, whether you are an average or an
elite trainee.
Farmer Walks:
You can do these a variety of ways. You normally see these being
done on TV in the World Strongman Competitions(WSM). First, select
two objects of the identical weight(barbells, tri Bars, which work
rather well, dumbbells etc.). Then, bend down and pick them up with
a firm grip with each hand. The objects should feel somewhat
weighty. Walk with them until you reach your desired distance or
until you can no longer hold the objects in your hand.
Dead Lift Holds:
Yup, it's exactly what it sounds like!
This exercise can be performed a couple different ways. Some
lifters pick the bar up off the ground like a normal dead lift,
hold it at the top till they can no long hold the bar, then
proceed to dump it. Some set pins up on the power rack to hold
the bar so they just unrack it for a total range of motion of
an inch or so. I find the second method to be the most
productive, because you can properly use more weight to
overload the grip faster.
Wheel Barrow Walks:
Got a wheel barrow handy around the house? (I don't think many
gyms carry them as exercise equipment, but it wouldn't surprise
me at what some gyms do!) Load up the wheel barrow with some
rocks, plates, dirt or your training partner (seriously). Once
you have got the amount of weight you'd like in the wheel
barrow you can do one of two things. You can grip the wheel
barrow and stand upright with it and hold it, or you can do it
the fun way and walk with it. This trains the grip well, much
like farmer walks. This great grip exercise has also lately
been touted by John Davies and his Renegade Training group
as a great conditioning exercise.
Dumbbell Static Holds:
This exercise is done with one dumbbell that is very heavy
to the trainee. It would be best to use an adjustable
dumbbell so you can change the degree of resistance. You
will hold the dumbbell across your chest but not touching
your chest with both hands. Once you have got the starting
position guess what you do now? HOLD IT! You hold the
dumbbell till you cannot possibly hold it any longer with
both hands.
Loaded Hangs:
This would apply to anyone who trains doing pull-ups and
things of that nature. If you have a belt that allows you
to suspend weight from it to add resistance to your pull-ups
this is a very beneficial exercise. Load the belt with a
fairly good amount of weight, then simply hang from the bar.
You will be supporting your actual bodyweight plus the loaded
weight of the belt and weights attached to it, which makes
for a great grip exercise.
In conclusion, a strong grip is essential for all strength
athletes: power lifters, bodybuilders, performance athletes,
strong man competitors, and Olympic weightlifters should all
train their grips. Don't allow your grip to be the thing that
is holding you back from bettering yourself and your
performance with heavy weights. Don't turn to special wrist
and bar straps, which actually weaken your grip. Stick to
the iron and develop The Grip of Death!