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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

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     Fitness Tips For 10/25/2006 

Why Warm Up Before Exercise?

1. Proper warm up helps prevent injuries. You may need to sweat 
a little, but don't get fatigued by the warmup. 

2. Increases the removal of lactic acid accumulated during 
previous workouts. 

3. Increases the efficiency of contracting muscles. Some light 
stretching is good to get limbered up. 

4. Research suggests neuromuscular coordination is enhanced by 
warming up. 

5. Improves coordination of individual exercises (doing a 
warmup set of an exercise before going heavy). 

6. Increases heart rate and speeds blood circulation. 

7. Increases oxygen reserves to the muscles. 

Be careful not to warm up too long because you don't want to 
use up your energy for warming up instead of getting an intense 
workout. A good rule of thumb is to elevate your heart rate, 
sweat lightly, and have an elevated body temperature. 10-15 
minutes on the treadmill is good to get your body warmed up. 
Perform at least one lighter set of each exercise before you 
start going heavy on any exercise. 

Stretching is another important part of warming up and cooling
down. Stretching will help you get a full range of motion for 
the exercises that you are about to perform. Stretching also 
helps after the workout by stretching out the muscles that you
just worked. 

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