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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

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     Fitness Tips For 8/16/2006 

Making Cardio Fun
By Zach Bashore

Being bored is not fun and it's even worse when you know that 
you have another thirty minutes left on the treadmill. The 
minutes seem to go by like seconds and you hit the stop button
because you simply cannot go on any longer. So what happened? 
Why does the cardio have to be so boring? This article is 
going to give you alternatives to the good ole treadmill and 
hopefully give you enough inspiration to finish your workout.

The first alternative to simple cardio is by the use of workout 
videos. Workout videos are perfect for those who don't have a 
gym membership and are acceptable because of their workout in 
your own living room. Workout videos are also perfect for 
motivation because the instructor pushes you all the way to 
completion. Another benefit of having this instructor on your 
TV is that you get expert guidance in helping you achieve your 

Another great alternative to cardio is by the use of a jump rope. 
The cardio benefits of jumping rope are tremendous because of it's
calorie burning effect in such a short amount of time. Jump roping 
can burn up to 1,000 calories per hour, making it one of the most 
effecient workouts possible. Jump roping is fun, easy to learn, 
inexpensive, great for kids, portable, and in my opinion, the best 
way to make your cardio workout fun.

Heavy bag training is not just for boxers anymore. On top of the 
great cardio workout that you are getting, heavy bag training also 
improves your self-defense skills. Heavy bag training also reduces 
stress, works your muscles, and helps improve hand-eye-coordination. 
Fitness manufacturers continue to develop new products aimed towards
the fighting athlete. As new products are being developed, old 
training equipment such as the heavy bag are often forgotten.

You've learned three great alternatives to dull cardio routines, 
you should be able to achieve your fat loss goals much easier. 
Don't over-do your cardio and don't go over an hour of continuous 
work due to chances of overtraining. Take things one day at a 
time and reap the benefits.

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