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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

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     Fitness Tips For 6/21/2006 

Cardio For Beginners
By Zach Bashore

Weight training is an important aspect of the fitness process, 
but what about the forgotten exercise commonly known as cardio. 
Cardio is just as important, if not more important than w.eight 
training itself and should be at the top of every trainee's 
to-do list. In this article, I am going to give you a run down 
on the different types of cardio that can be done and the 
benefits of doing cardiovascular exercise.

The definition of cardiovascular, means of, relating to, or 
involving the heard and blood vessels. Basically, anything that 
elevates your heart rate to burn calories would be considered 
cardio. The most important thing is to always be moving. A 
sedentary lifestyle will only lead to obesity and you 
definitely don't want that, especially if you are involved 
with fitness.

There are many positive benefits of doing cardiovascular 
exercise. Your mind will benefit most because cardio helps 
reduce stress and keeps you in a positive mental state. Not only 
that, but your body will be benefitting from an increased lung 
capacity, higher metabolism, and increased blood flow to your 

If you have a job that keeps you active then there is no need 
to add more cardio. However, some bodybuilders preparing for a 
contest do up to three hours of cardio daily, so you will have
to be the decisive factor and determine how much cardio you 
need to do. Many people prefer jogging as its main source of 
cardio because it is a quick way to get in a workout. Other 
people prefer cycling, walking, or any other cardio option 

The debate on the best time to do cardio has been going on 
for years. One person says you should  train in the morning 
on an empty stomach, another says to do cardio after your 
first meal, and then another person tells you to do cardio 
right after you get done w.eight lifting. All of this 
information can become confusing and cause you unwanted stress 
just trying to decide which time is the best time to do cardio.
Again, try them all and make a decision based on good judgement. 
Don`t be discouraged if you don`t get everything right the 
first try, just use your mistakes as a means for improvement. 

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