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Fitness Tips For 4/12/2006
Building Trap Muscles
By Zach Bashore
The traps are those stubborn muscles that run between your shoulders
and neck. Learning the basics of trap development will increase your
chances of success when trying to make them stand out. You are going
to learn the muscles that make up the traps, exercises to make them
grow, and the best day to train them. Using this knowledge should
give you the ability to incorporate what you`ve learned into your
own workout program.
The primary muscles that make up the traps are the trapezius and
levator scapulae. The trapezius' job is to elevate, adduct, and
depress the scapula. The levator scapulae is responsible for
elevation of the scapula. It's very important that you know these
different sections so you have the ability to target those muscles
in the gym.
Trap Muscle Exercises
If you have a gym membership and have access to machines, trap
training is so much easier. The best exercises on a machine are
the low-pulley row to neck, smith-machine shrug, calf machine
shoulder shrug, and smith-machine upright row. However, if you
workout at home and only use dumbbells you can get an effective
workout doing upright rows, dumbbell shrugs, and dumbbell shrugs
behind your back. Whatever equipment suits your needs, you can
get a good workout with almost anything.
Many train their traps on the same day as chest and triceps,
which is fine if you don`t mind training three body parts in one
day. You can also train them on the same day as shoulders or
just by themselves. You also need to pay attention to the
amount of reps you perform. A good rule is if you're looking
to gain mass then you should go heavy with a low rep scheme
of 6 to 8 reps.
The traps are considered a small muscle group by some, but it
is just as important of a muscle group as anything else. You
rarely see a person with outstanding looking traps which is
the first thing you can tell if someone works out. Stand out
from the rest of the bunch and turn those traps into