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Truly Huge Fitness Tips
Presented by TrulyHuge.com
The Guide Building Muscle While Losing Fat
"After a year of other fat loss programs, I went from 215
to 183, but still couldn't get the ripped abs even though
I could feel them underneath that small layer of fat. I've
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"I'm following the book to the tee, without any deviations
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Thanks again,
For more info to to https://www.trulyhuge.com/ripped.htm
Fitness Tips For 10/26/2005
How Muscles Increase In Strength And Size
By Tracy Anderson
Lifestyle Fitness and Nutrition
A new program of aerobic exercise will increase a muscle's
endurance and tone and make it slightly larger, only by a very small
percentage. But if you wish to significantly increase a muscle's strength
and size, you'll need to do resistance exercises with that muscle on a
regular basis (one to three times a week). Resistance exercise, also called
strength training, uses much heavier weights for resistance than aerobic
exercise. Loads can so heavy that you can only lift them a limited number
of times in a row, and this is called repetitions. The number of
repetitions performed in a row is called a set.
A strength program usually involves lifting a weight eight to 15 times
(or repetitions), taking time to move through the full range of motion.
You can use free weights,(barbells or dumbbells, or weight machines (such
as Nautilus or Life Fitness machines). The weight should be heavy enough
to make the final repetition fairly difficult.
By stressing a muscle's anaerobic energy system in this way for several
months, you'll produce changes in your muscles that are completely
different from those produced by aerobic exercise. The amount of local
energy reserves is increased by anaerobic exercise.
The nervous system adapts quickly to weightlifting exercises by
facilitating the desired movement while learning to "shut off"
reflex mechanisms that might otherwise inhibit contraction. With
repeated resistance training, over time the protein filaments inside
each muscle fiber grow thicker and more numerous, increasing the
diameter of exercised muscles. This size increase is more pronounced
in men probably because of the influence of higher testosterone
levels. The tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues
surrounding the muscle also thicken and become stronger. The bones
attached to the working muscle may also increase their mineral
content. With every good workout, the cross sectional diameter
should increase by 0.1%, given that your nutrition is good and
your getting enough rest.
Note: An increase in size is not necessary for a muscle to get
stronger. The greatest strength gains are usually achieved in
the first weeks of training before any significant size increase
occurs. And because the main strength gains come from the
rebuilding of the muscle fibers between workouts, you should
allow at least 48 hours between strength-training sessions.