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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
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       Fitness Tips For 5/18/2005 

Finding Target Heart Rate

For calculation of your Maximum heart rate, apply this formula: 
Heart.R max = 208 - 0.7 x age 

Although this formula is an estimate of your real Max Heart Rate 
(might be 10-20 beats per second more or less) it's very close with 
only a small margin of error. Your heart rate is actually a measure 
of your exercise intensity, and not only that, your maximum heart 
rate differs in different activities. 
There are many factors which affect your heart rate: Your body position 
on a bike will influence Heart Rate, Temperature (This will greatly 
influence your heart rate), humidity, and also the time of day (day or 
night) might influence your heart Rate. 
I'd recommend you to hit a target heart rate of 60-70% of your maximum 
heart rate, this may sound a lot but in reality this will help you burn 
more calories and is of medium intensity by the type of vigorous 
activities you must do in order to keep your heart at that rate. 
Remember that as your heart rate begins to go up, oxygen consumption 
of the blood goes up so you'll need to breathe quickly and heavily.

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