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Truly Huge Fitness Tips
Presented by TrulyHuge.com
Save Hundreds, Build Your Own Power Rack / Multi-Gym
From Common Materials, No Welding, Easy Detailed Plans.
Perform over 10 exercises, bench press, squat, T- bar row, cable
rows, standing calf machine lat pulldowns, tricep extensions,
standing cable flyes, partial lifts, cable abdominal crunches, cable
side laterals, hanging leg raises, chins, cable bicep curls, bent
over cable laterals, incline bench press, and more.
Safety bars eliminate need for spotter, ALL MATERIALS can be
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FULLY DETAILED PLANS, diagrams and drawings. Construction is
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To learn more: Best Home Gym Plans
Weight Training and Martial Arts, the Deadly Combo
by Patrick L. Deu Pree
Lifetime Bodybuilder
There is no greater deadly combination than mixing weight training
with martial arts. Bruce Lee trained with weights as does Chuck
Norris to this very day.
There is an art to mixing weight training with martial arts, especially
when you hold down a full time job and have a family but it can
be done. Years ago when I decided to take karate I was already
working out with weights. My first Sensei was Young Su, a
seventh degree black belt in Taekwondo. He said, "Practice
every day."
That was hard. How could I practice every day and also workout
with weights. There were no real weight or equipment at the dojo
and there was no space to practice karate at Gold’s Gym Venice.
This was back in 1972 and there was only one Gold’s Gym.
That was back when Arnold was the number one bodybuilder in
the world.
First I tried to practice in the morning and then I would workout
with weights in the afternoon after work. That didn’t work very
well as I was too knocked out to get the most from either
workout. I decided to practice only karate for a while and that
worked pretty well but I really missed hitting the iron. The iron
has always been in my blood. I finally hit on the perfect solution.
I split the training up. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I hit
the gym and the weights. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
I hit the dojo. Sometimes I would switch and hit the dojo and
Friday and the gym on Saturday mornings if we had special
sparring sessions on Friday nights.
I found this way of training worked very well, I grew in strength
and also in speed and flexibility. My physique took on a more
streamlined, defined look. I felt great, I looked great.
My muscle building weight lifting routine at the time was:
Bench Press 4x6-8
Squats 4x8-10
Cable Rows 4x6-8
Standing Military
Press 4x6-8
Nautilus Curls 4x6-8
Nautilus Tricep
Ext. 4x6-8
On martial arts day I did ab work, I jumped rope for cardio and I
practiced punches, blocks forms, I sparred, I stretched. Both the
weight workouts and the martial arts workouts each took about an
hour and a half to complete and it worked out perfectly with work.
The martial arts served another purpose as well. People would
accuse me of being muscle bound because of the weights so then
I would do a few fast moves to prove them wrong.
Martial arts and weights are a terrific combo.
What if a bodybuilder is on a split routine and wants to practice
martial arts but doesn’t have the time to work out twice a day
combining the two. Here is a more advance bodybuilding routine
that can be worked in with martial arts training.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday do weights and Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday do martial arts.
On the days you work out with weights follow this routine:
Week one, on Monday and Friday work Legs, lats and biceps. On
Wednesday work chest, shoulders and triceps. The next week
reverse the order. On Monday and Friday work chest shoulders and
triceps and on Wednesday work legs, lats and biceps. Do
whatever advanced exercises you need to do for these bodyparts.
This routine will allow for more recuperation as you are also taxing
your body with the martial arts training. This works very well.
Combining these routines with martial arts are true the deadly
combination for speed, strength and agility. Try it, you’ll like it.
Good luck.