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Truly Huge Fitness Tips
Presented by TrulyHuge.com
"I started your program yesterday.
Holly COW! I have never felt as sore as I am right know!
I have been working out for about 20 years and doing
abdomen exercises as was shown by others and in
books. But I have never, I repeat never, a feeling of
work on my abs, as I feel today!
All I can say is thank you very much!
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To help target the long head of the biceps, try Lying
Dumbbell Curls. This exercise is performed lying down
on a flat bench with dumbbells in hand. I prefer to do
a very light warm-up set before pumping out one or two
more intense sets.
Be careful though! If you have shoulder problems you
may not be able to do this exercise.
While lying flat, let your arms hang down with your
elbows tucked in and your upper arms in contact with
the bench. Now curl the weight up pulling the dumbbells
in towards your shoulders. For added intensity, lower
the weight slowly emphasizing the eccentric portion of
the movement.
For best results, work in the 8-12 rep range. This is a
tough exercise that makes cheating extremely difficult
when performed properly, it’ll give you a tremendous
biceps pump.
Other variations include the Incline, Hammer and Preacher
Dumbell curl.
After working out for a while, it's not uncommon hit a plateau
in your progress and feel "stuck". You're still working out
hard as ever, you're just not making any gains.
A lot of times, this can be caused by your body getting used
to your workout routine. If you're doing the same exercises,
at the same time of day, on the same days of the week,
you're going to get "stuck" sooner or later.
Sometimes, getting "unstuck" can be as simple as adding
some variety to your routine. Add some different exercises.
Train at a different time of the day. Variety can work
wonders for getting past a plateau!
Ecdy-Bolin - Russian Anabolic Formula is a non-hormonal anabolic
supplement which has been proven in clinical studies to be as
anabolic as actual steroids while exhibiting no undesirable side effects.
The active anabolic ingredient in Ecdysten is the known steroid,
Ecdysterone. Imported directly from the Soviet Union the Ecdysterone
in this product is extracted from Rhaponticum carthamoides and is
guaranteed to be 98% (or higher) pure. This (and only this) remarkable
plant extract, (at this potency), has been proven in numerous clinical
studies to be more anabolic than methandrostenolone (Dianabol), with
no androgenic or other undesirable side effects. Ecdy-Bolin is a
non-hormonal dietary supplement that will cause a huge increase in
anabolism but will not effect hormone levels. Ecdy-Bolin works by
increasing nitrogen retention and increasing protein synthesis at the
cellular level (for this reason we strongly recommend that you increase
your daily dietary intake of protein while using this product). It has been
scientifically proven, without a doubt, that increased nitrogen retention
and resistance training will stimulate muscle growth and burn fat as
much as 20 times more effectively than without an increase in nitrogen
The Russian ingredient in Ecdy-Bolin has also been clinically proven
to increase in strength and endurance. This is the same exact ingredient
that the Russian government gave to its athletes prior to competitions
in order to optimize performance while coming off anabolic steroids to
beat doping tests. Strangely enough, many Russian athletes performed
better in competition while using Ecdysterone than they did in
preparation while on anabolic steroids. If you are wondering why you
have never heard of Ecdysterone before it is because this information
has been somewhat classified until the collapse of the Soviet Union
and since then it has been way to expensive (over $20,000 a kilo) to
bring real Ecdysterone from Rhaponticum carthamoides to market.
UNTIL NOW! This is the first time ever that this material is being
made available and nothing you have ever tried will work better than
and be as safe as Ecdy-Bolin for adding lean muscle mass. Because
Ecdy-Bolin is a non-hormonal supplement it can be safely used by
both men and women, even teenagers.
Click Here for more Info on Ecdy-Bolin and how you can get a
Free Russian Training Cycles Workout Program