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Truly Huge Fitness Tips
Presented by TrulyHuge.com
Guide to Building Muscle While Losing Fat
"After using the fat lose book, I'm really starting to lose
fat, a few weeks ago I felt I had some fat on my arms,
but now when I touch them I can feel like the muscle
fibers in my arms, it feels cool!
Julian Tafur"
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A different kind of excercise for the abs.
I dont know about most of you but when I did crunches
the basic way (the same way sit-ups are done) I never really
felt anything. After speaking to 2 guys they showed me a
crunch that I can really feel. This is how its done. First, lift
your legs in the air and bend them (keep them in the air
bent). Either cross your legs to help them stay closed or
just keep them closed yourself. Then do crunches the way
you normally do, except when you lift your upper body bring
your knees in too. You should really feel it hit your abs.
used to it.
King Christophe
No Rest for the Wicked
After lifting for five years straight, I have found that the
training program I am about to descibe has benefitted
myself more than any of the other plans I have lifted with.
The whole concept of this program is to really work the
muscles- to fully exhaust them and to give them sufficient
time to recover. I belive in sticking to the basics. They
always work. Safety, consistency, and perserverence
with the basics has personally given me the best results.
Here's what I have found effective, which is commonly
used and practiced by a lot of people:
I rest no longer than 60 seconds per set. At first while
doing this, the amount of weight that I was able to lift
was significantly smaller than I was used to. After a month
of doing this, however, I was back to the same weight
again. I work a muscle once a week, giving it enough time
to recover. This exercise program leaves you pretty sore,
needing all that time. Also it reduces the amount of time I
spend in the gym.
I first stretch and do a light weight warm up. After that, I
hit it hard doing 3 exercies per body part- at 3 sets per
excercise. With the minimal resting, it hurts bad. But I have
not risked injury and I have done what I came to the gym
to do- which is to work that muscle like it needs to be
worked. And at least for myself, it has been highly
effective and less time consuming.
Kevin Canant
Here's something I've been experiencing phenomenal
success with in regard to bicep growth. I am a believer
that dumbbells offer the greatest benefit than any other
tool in the bodybuilding arsenal for enlarging and
strengthening the biceps. The reason being is that one
of the major functions of the biceps is rotation of the
wrist; an impossibility with a barbell. This is not to
suggest that barbell work is unnecesarry, merely
that in order to fully activate the biceps and in
particular the biceps bracchialis, flexion of the wrist is
absolutely needed. I also have noted the most muscular
growth occurs in the biceps when a free-range
movement is implemented. (As opposed to a preacher
bench type of restricted movement). This being stated, I
have devised a way of performing dumbbell curls in
which I regularly achieve a massive pump and
ever-increasing strength in each workout. Sit on a bench
designed for behind-the-neck presses which preferably
has an elevated foot support. Grasp a dumbbell in one
hand and with the other, grasp the barbell support bar.
Bracing with the support arm, lean slightly in the
direction of the working arm, making sure to keep the
arm close to, but not touching, the torso. At a moderate
tempo, forcefully curl the DB upward and outward, with
the pinky higher than the thumb. Keep the wrist relaxed
throughout the curl and squeeze the muscle with
everything you've got at the top. Control the negative!!!!!
This is perhaps the most important part. It's the stress of
eccentric portions of any movement that contribute to
the lion's share of growth. No swinging the weight
around. The weight you use is not as important as the
perceived stress the muscle receives. After doing one
arm switch to the other and repeat the sequence. My
suggestion is one relatively light set to prepare the
arms for the torture of the real work. By "real work"
I'm not talking about a marathon of sets-just enough to
stimulate the muscle. Do your warmup and immediately
perform a heavy set to failure-assisting with the
bracing hand at the point of being physically incapable
of another clean rep. Not just when discomfort sets in.
At the next workout, which should be a full week later,
try to increase either your rep count with the same
weight or to increase poundages by 2 or 3 pounds.
That's it for now. Stay tough!!!!!!!
Justin Keyser
"The Maximum HGH Training program and Somatrop Rx is
the most effective bodybuilding course and supplement I have
used. My strength is increasing along with muscle size!"
Walter K. Pearson
Ogden, Utah
"Your Somatrop Rx has really worked for me. After two
years of hard training I had reached a plateau. I started using
your Somatrop Rx and within the first week I noticed an
increase in my bodyweight and also my strength. By the end
of the cycle I gained seven pounds of muscle and increased
my strength by about 15%. Needless to say, I'm ready for my
next cycle!"
Matthew Wheatley
Fredericksburg, VA
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