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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com            

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             FITNESS TIPS FOR 9/12/2001                  

How To Do Crunches

Hey, everybody, I have recently discovered an exercise that 
would get rid of those annoying 300 reps sets of crunches. It 
sounds easy,but damn, it is hard to perform, you are gonna 
feel like throwing upthe first week, but then it's gonna work 
for you.

Okay, here is the deal, 4 sets of crunches as: 20 - 30 - 30 - 20 
reps in each respectively, only make sure that you pull your 
shoulders towards your knees really slow and smooth, once 
you don't have any way to go further, stay like that, 
squeezing your abs for 10 sec each rep on 1-st and 4-th set, 
and for 20 sec per rep on the middle 2. If you feel it is 
becoming easy to perform, increase the time of squeezing 
on 10 for each rep.

I did it for 8 weeks, and now you can see my six pack
through my T-shirt =). Note: Just make sure you do it on 
an empty stomach.
Shkoda Cat

Here is a Bicep workout guaranteed to enlarge the biceps!!!!

Stand in front of a dumbell rack and start with 10lb dumbells 
doing alternating curls. Three reps with each arm. Then go 
up the rack in increments of 5 lbs until you reach your 
heaviest dumbell you can handle.  Immediatly run back 
down the rack meaning start with the heaviest dumbell you 
can handle and working your way back down to the 10lb 
dumbell still pulling 3 reps with each arm. Now take a 3 
min break and then start with the 10 lb dumbell doing 
hammmercurls running the rack up to the heaviest 
dumbell you can handle.  Repeat this cycle twice a week 
for 4 weeks and you should see dramatic results.
Trey Werner

Water and Muscle Building

We all know we should drink 1 gallon of water per day 
while training, but its hard to keep track of all the water 
we drink in a typical day. To make sure I drink enough 
water, every day I fill a 1 gallon milk jug with water 
and put it in the fridge. Whenever I want water, I just 
pour myself some, at the end of the day, if the milk 
jug is empty I know I have hydrated myself 
throughout the day.

Here's another tip for drinking water in school,  get a
 pop bottle and carry it with you to your classes (fill 
it with water, no pop!!).  Keep track of how many times 
you had to fill it up, then take that amount out of your 
milk jug when u get home.

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