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Truly Huge Fitness Tips
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Nutrition For Muscle Building
Lets face it, your diet is roughly 60% of your overall
training programme. So its very important to eat before
and after training, so here is a little something for you
to do and its so simple and effective.
Make a small milkshake with juice or fruit, milk, yogurt
and/or a scoop of protein powder, add a banana if you
like post workout especially if you are packing on some
size. When you make this mix it up in the blender and
drink half before and half after your training session.
This will help your body recover and utilize your
training to the max. After a workout your body is
sensitive to insulin which is the rapid transportation
system that carries proteins and carbs to your
muscles that need them to grow.
So the bottom line is ,if you drink this before and
IMMEDIATELY after your workout your muscles can
start the growth and repair process straight away.
Shoulder Shrugs
I see many people doing dumbell shrugs and loading up
the bar and doing shrugs but thier traps never get bigger.
Something I've learned is you can do shrugs on the
hack squat machine at your gym, this puts all the weight
on your shoulders causing them to grow and allows you
to use more weight because you don't have to hold it.
When you get to the top of your shrug always hold it for
2 seconds this causes more strain on the muscles
remember bigger traps make you look bigger than you
really are.
Increase Pull Ups
Two months ago I decided to discontinue chinning wide
with a pronated grip. I switched to neutral grip and
supinated grip pull ups which enabled me to attach
more weight around my waist. With my biceps in a
mechanically stronger position I've been able to
overload my lats for more growth. Now instead of
just pumping my lats with front pronated chins
I'm building them.
My 8 Sets of 8 Shoulder Workout Routine
I have been doing this for 4 weeks now in my workout
and I got to tell you it destroys my shoulders. I have
call it 8 x 8's:
8 reps of up right rows
8 reps of dumbbell front lateral raises
8 reps of dumbbell side lateral raises
8 reps of dumbbell bent over lateral raises
-1 min. rest then repeat-
You should use a lighter weight then normal and do not
rest in-between sets, go continuously. If you do this
shoulder work-out, I guarantee you will not be able to
lift up your arms. I love it.
Pete Murdza
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