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Truly Huge Fitness Tips
Presented by TrulyHuge.com
"Bodybuilding Supplement Secrets Revealed!"
This book contains advanced supplment secrets
and shows you how you can gain up to 15 lbs. in
the next 6 weeks by discovering how to turn the
supplements you buy at your local health food
store into super powerful anabolic compounds!
Click Here To Find Out How
Lat Pulldown
Try sitting at a lat pulldown machine,backwards. I choose to
use a wide bar handle and about 40-50 lbs of weight. Now,
use the same grip you would when doing your lats, pull the
bar down to the back of your neck and hold it there. Now do
some crunches. Throw in a few twists to hit your obliques.
Its comfortable and using the weight and some 8-12 rep
sets will really hit you.
Dumbell Bench Press
This workout is for those that just want to mix up a routine
that's getting boring. You will need some dumbbells and
a bench press as well. Grab a pair of dumbbells that are
close to 90% 1rpm, 60% 1rpm and one that is 40% 1rpm
or close to them. Get the bench set up with 40% of your
bench max now you have what you need. Do the 1st set
of dumbbells until failure put them down and immediately
pick up the next pair and repeat to failure. Set them down
and start on the bench press going to failure when your
done go back to the 2nd pair of dumbbells and again go to
failure, then pick up the lightest pair of dumbbells and do
them until failure. Try and repeat for 1 - 3 sets resting
about 3 min. in between it should look something like
DB press: 90%
DB press: 60%
Bench press: 40%
DB press: 60%
DB press: 40%
Rest 3 min. and repeat if you can.
Would not recommend doing this week after week give it a
few weeks before attempting again, and enjoy.
Hardgainer Bodybuilding
I speak from experience as a hardgainer who has managed
to pack some pounds onto a previously scrawny frame:
If you have trouble putting on muscles, lift a small number
of lifts hard and infrequently, and eat plenty of calories.
Try this routine, only one set of each exercise to failure in
approximately 10 reps:
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Bench Press
Seated Row
Military Press
Do it twice a week (Monday and Thursday), then get
enough to eat and plenty to eat. Remember, muscle
grows while you're resting, and the average hardgainer
is simply the victim of extreme overtraining.
With warm weather right around the corner a lot of
people are focusing on losing those extra pounds put
on during the cold weather. If you would like to get
bigger and stronger without putting on fat, or if you
just want to lose some fat without losing that
hard-earned muscle...or maybe even get that
thin-skinned contest shape...then this book has
the secrets you've been looking for. You'll learn:
* The diet secrets the champs don't tell you about.
* The exact ratio of protein, carbs, and fats needed
to turn your body into an efficient fat-burning
machine, while building muscle size...without
* The exact training program to continue building
strength and size while you are losing bodyfat.
* Why a top cardiologist says this is the ULTIMATE
diet for health and fitness.
* Some secret fat burning recipes that will taste like
you are cheating on a diet, while eating all the
great tasting, dessert-like foods you want.
* Little-known nutritional advice from a famous
bodybuilding nutritionist. All the great bodybuilders
of the 60's and 70's (Arnold, Frank Zane, Larry
Scott, etc.) followed this guy's advice and got in
the biggest and best shape of their lives.
* ...and much more.
The E-Book version (Adobe PDF format) of the
Build Muscle while Losing Fat program is now
available for instant download at: