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FINESS TIP FOR 3/29/2000
Get Huge Biceps Building Workout
Squats, heels about 20 inches wide, knees a comfortable width
about 24 inches. In the erect position, take 2 very deep breaths
and hold the second breath and squat (back straight) and return
to upright position and exhale. Perform 3 sets of 15 repeats,
2 to 3 minutes rest between sets. This gets your adrenal
activated for your arm program.
Stand in front of the dumbbell rack and pick up a pair of
15# dumbells. and with palms facing thighs, curl left dumbell
slowly turning palm up and bending to the left. Watching
dumbell travel up to shoulder, hand should be outside deltoid
at contracted position. At this point, turn your head to the right
and start to curl right dumbell simultaneously. As you curl the
right dumbell, lower the left dumbell back to starting position.
Counting with your left hand, complete four repeats only. Next
step: put dumbells back on rack and take 2 deep breaths and
shake your arms and pick up the next heavier set and do 4
repeats. Proceed until you have curled the heaviest set of
dumbells you can handle (creative cheating is ok). Next
step: work down the rack to your starting set. That's it for
Bicep. Don't do any other Bicep work.
Barbell pullover and press: lie on your back on can lower
barbell below head. Take a 12" grip (over-hand) lower
barbell down and back over head and slightly below bench
level, with elbows in and up, pull barbell over face to low
pec line. At this point, swing at arms length over stomach
(forward press). Lower barbell back down to chest and
roll elbows in, parallel position (4 sets of 12 reps).
Note: Vince Gironda was know as the "Iron Guru". Bodybuilders
who have trained at Vince's Gym over the years, have
included "Body by" Jake Steinman, Lou ("The Incredible Hulk")
Ferrigno, and even Arnold ("The Terminator") Schwarzenegger.
Vince also helped the studios whip their stars into shape for
the movies (he could get an out of shape actor looking like a
stud in a few weeks time); he helped train the likes of Cher,
Clint Eastwood, Denzel Washington, James Garner, Brian
Keith, Tommy Chong (of Cheech & Chong) and Erik Estrada.
It is said that in the late 1960's, before bodybuilders started to
abuse steroids, Vince's methods produced more top physique
stars than any other gym in the world.
To Get the New Book "The Training and Diet Secrets of Vince
Gironda - The Iron Guru" go to