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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Turn Your Body Into A Fat Burning Furnace With

New Ephedra Free Herbal Fat Melter

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For full details go to Herbal Fat Melter

     Fitness Tips For For 2/16/2011

Raw Food and Fitness

Q. I was working with you online for workouts and nutrition, and I had
a question. You suggested I eat a mostly raw food plan. How did you
figure out what I was supposed to eat? What you did worked, but the 
normal fitness nutrition plan is something like protein 30, carb 40 
and fat 30 or a high protein diet. When doing raw foods it does not 
work out that way. I want to get into personal training one day and
you're the only one I know that seems to understand how to get what 
someone wants to look like by the way they should eat. Can you share 
anything with me?

Thank you, 


A. The mostly raw food fitness plan came about after my doing 
research for 30 years and trying every nutrition plan out there, it 
comes down a few basics:

What did people eat for thousands or even millions of years before 
modern times, wouldn't that be humans natural way of eating? 

Humans were hunters and gatherers, for the longest time they ate the
raw fruits and vegetables they could gather and the animals they 
could hunt or fish. They may have cooked the meat because fire has 
been around for a long time. 

Humans didn't eat wheat or grains, the milk of another animal, refined 
foods, etc. until very recently and we have gotten fat, weak and sick 
from doing so.

Live food has enzymes and other life elements in it that is destroyed
when cooked.

Live food = life

Dead food = disease, decay, etc. - all leading to death. 

Bottom line - eat fresh raw vegetables and fruits along with proteins 
such as eggs, chicken, turkey and fish.

Do not eat wheat, grains, milk products or refined or packaged foods.

Hope this helps.


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Raw Food and Fitness

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