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No Gym Workout Bodybuilding

Can you really build muscle without weights?

Mike Thiga transformed himself from a scrawny 148 pounds to a massive 187 pounds. In slightly less than 6 months, he packed on 39 pounds of solid muscle, all without ever lifting a weight or going to the gym.

Learn how he did it at The Secrets of Bodyweight Training

Bodybuilding and Fitness Newsletter 3/27/2019

No gym? No problem!

Do you want to get in shape but you don't have enough bucks for a gym membership ? No time to hit the gym ? Or perhaps you don't have access to the gym, don't worry, I have got you covered. In this article I am going to share with you some exercises that you can do with your bodyweight. You can actually build a jaw-dropping physique without hitting the gym. No, I am not talking about an hulk-like physique, but you can still build an impressive physique by doing bodyweight exercises (as long as you're eating well and getting enough rest). Here are some of the exercises :

You'll perform these exercises three times a week. Make sure you have 48 hours rest between workouts. Rest for one minute between each set.

BURPEE - this is a full body exercise. It trains the entire upper body and lower body.

*         Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Bend your knees inwards and perform squat.

*         Place your palm on the ground and push your feet backwards, assume a plank position and perform a pushup, then drive your knees inwards.

*         Jump up and repeat.

*         Perform 2 sets of 15 reps.

PUSHUP - pushup works your chest, back, shoulder, and abs.

*         Move into a plank position. Position your your hand shoulder width apart.

*         Flex your abs and glutes.

*         Slowly lower yourself until your chest nearly touches the ground.

*         Push yourself up with your arms and extend your arms.

*         Repeat.

*         Perform 2 sets to failure.

DIAMOND PUSHUP - this movement works your triceps, chest, deltoid, and abs.

*         Get into a pushup position, place your index fingers and thumbs together (they should form a diamond shape).

*         Keep your abs and glutes tight.

*         Gently lower yourself until your chest nearly touches the ground.

*         Push yourself up and extend your arms.

*         Repeat.

*         Perform 2 sets of 10 reps.

PULL UP - this exercise is essential for building a thick back and big biceps. It also helps strengthen the core. If you don't have a pull up bar at home, you can install an horizontal bar to your door way. It's quite cheap.

How to perform pull up -

*         Grab the bar with a pronated grip (palm facing away). Your hands should be a little bit wider that your shoulder width apart.

*         To prevent your legs from swinging, you can cross your feet at the ankles.

*         Then pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar.

*         Slowly lower yourself and repeat.

*         Perform one set to failure.

*         Superset with chin up.

CHIN UP - chinup emphasizes the biceps more. It also works the back and core.

*         Grab the bar with a supinated grip ( palm facing you). Your hands should be slightly wider than your shoulder width apart.

*         Then pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar.

*         Slowly lower yourself and repeat.

SQUAT - this exercise works glutes , hamstrings, quads, back, calves, and abs.

*         Position your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your back a neutral position and chest up.

*         Slowly bend your knees inwards until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

*         Push yourself upwards and repeat.

*         3 sets of 30 reps.

*         Make sure you don't round your back

LUNGES - lunges also hits your quads, hamstrings, glutes, lower back, calves, and abs.

*         Position your feet shoulder width apart.

*         Bring your right leg forward. Keep your back straight and chest up.

*         Slowly bend your knees until your right knee forms a 90-degree angle.

*         Drive yourself upwards and extend your knees.

*         Switch legs and repeat.

*         3 sets of 20 reps.

PLANK WITH LEG RAISE - this movement hits the abs, legs and lower back.

*         Get into a plank position.

*         Squeeze your glutes and abs, then slowly raise your right leg straight up.

*         Pause for 3 seconds lower your right legs.

*         Switch legs and repeat.

*         Perform 2 sets of 15 reps.

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