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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Can you really build muscle without weights?

Mike Thiga transformed himself from a scrawny 148 pounds 
to a massive 187 pounds. In slightly less than 6 months, 
he packed on 39 pounds of solid muscle, all without ever 
lifting a weight or going to the gym. 

Learn how he did it at The Muscle Experiment

     Fitness Tips For 5/15/2013

No Gym Leg Workout

Leg Training for the Road Warrior

When you are on the road you don’t always have access to a gym. 
Whether on business or vacation, you may sometimes find yourself in 
a place where there isn’t a gym within miles. This is particularly 
true on a summer camping trip. Don't despair, however, because you 
can still give your body a good workout without apparatus. All you 
need is your own body weight to supply the workload.

Everyone is aware of the standard exercises that can be done 
virtually anywhere such as the crunch, chin up, and push up. However, 
these traditional movements often primarily the upper body and the 
legs go overlooked. There is a way to change that with a workout 
that features the legs prominently. 

Warm up

Prior to working any muscle group it is wise to warm up that area.
You can do that for your legs with the frog squat stretch. Squat 
down into a bottomed out position with your legs slightly apart. 
Place your hands on the ground between your legs, palms facing down.
From here raise up as high as you can go on your legs while keeping 
your hands on the ground. Make this an active stretch, moving up and
down while maintaining your palms down and touching the ground 
position. This move will get the hamstrings and thighs warmed up and
ready to go.

Non-lock Squat

The squat lies at the center of all good leg gains and that holds 
true for body weight movements as well. One way to generate more of 
a workload for your quads is to use a non-lock action. Squat down 
and come back up, but stop just a couple inches short of locking your
thighs at the top. Immediately squat back down. Move quickly through 
20 squats. You may find this movement more challenging than you might 
expect. The pressure really builds in the legs because they get no 
rest until the entire set is complete. Perform a couple of sets of 
this challenging squat style.


Next up is the "bound". To perform this movement you simply squat 
down and jump as far as you can both forward and upward. That is, 
you want to get both height and distance. Make each jump as powerful
as possible, and bound several times in a row, putting as much 
effort equally into all the bounds (in other words, don’t taper off
toward the end).  Perform three sets of the bounds.

Single leg split squat

The single leg squat puts all of your body weight on one thigh. 
Plant one foot on a solid, elevated surface (such as a bench or 
chair) and squat down on the other leg. Go deep - no cheating 
allowed. Move fairly quickly and pump out 10 repetitions for each 
leg. Perform 3 sets of this movement per leg.

Back to the Frog Squat

Wrap up the routine with a few more frog squats. Make the movement 
more active than static.

This routine will give your legs a great workout and you can perform
it virtually anywhere, so don’t use being on the road as an excuse 
for letting your legs fall apart.

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No Gym Leg Workout

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