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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Andro-Shock Works!

I don't have the perfect genes for bodybuilding, nor do I 
have a lot of time to eat the right way. Using the 
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Mike Ronnebaum

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     Fitness Tips For 11/23/2011

Muscle Mass vs Muscle Strength

By Oliver Wolter, inventor of The X-Size Program
see Bodybuilding Software 

Increase Your Size By Increasing Your Strength

Larger muscles will produce more force, since they are stronger 
muscles (strength is the ability to exert force). The point of 
resistance training is to exert force. Increase your muscles size, 
and it will produce more force. However, that is not the only way to
increase your muscles ability to exert force. You can improve your 
neuromuscular system. Which is why some people believe that strength 
and size are not related. Often you'll come across someone who claims
that they train to build larger muscles, that they are not concerned 
with strength because they are not interested in powerlifting. 
However, they are not understanding "weight training". How can a 
person who believes that there is no relationship between size and 
strength, proceed with their training? How does a sprinter gauge 
progress without a stopwatch? If he did clock his time, would a time
of 15 seconds be an improvement over 18 seconds? You can only compare 
measurements. If last year I was deadlifting 315lbs, and presently 
deadlifting 405lbs, then I consider myself to be stronger, and 
therefore improving. To clarify the issue, I am not saying that a 
stronger muscle is a larger muscle, because strength can be defined 
as the muscles ability to exert force, which has other factors. I 
am saying that to become larger, one must become stronger.

A 225lbs bodybuilder would be considerably stronger than when he 
weighed 175lbs. Therefore, since muscular gains are considerably 
slower than strength gains, one should always strive to increase 
strength. As you start to develop your strength, you will notice 
that often you will encounter times where you increase your 
strength, with very little muscular gain. For some odd reason, the 
body may develop in spurts. I have noticed this, as well as a few 
others. This also led me to conclude that strength and size are 
related, but not proportional. 

One last point; do not cater to you emotions. Don't get stuck on 
an exercise that does not benefit you, simply because everyone 
claims it's a fundamental exercise. I use to Bench Press regularly.
I thought that a big bench would lead to a big chest. All I 
developed were my triceps. Later, I discovered that Hammer 
strength equipment and weighted dips developed my chest the most, 
and I now cycle between these two exercises.

If you want to skyrocket your strength and size gains use my 
X-Size Software to design and monitor your workouts, 
go to Bodybuilding Software

To your success,


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Muscle Mass vs Muscle Strength

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