___________________________________________ Truly Huge Fitness Tips Presented by TrulyHuge.com ___________________________________________ Most People Fail To Work 50% of Their Muscle Tissue! Did you know that even bodybuilders neglect half the muscle tissue in the body? It doesn't take rocket science to build bigger muscles. However, it does take a certain knowledge and application of that knowledge in the gym and in your diet. And the Truth is, the Sooner You Act, the Sooner Your Muscles Start Growing! Checkout Growth Zone Training ____________________________________________ Fitness Tips For 12/10/2014 ____________________________________________How to Recruit More Muscle FibersYour body naturally recruits the muscle tissue it needs to get the job done, depending upon the job. Since some muscle groups work together, and you can get a bigger total recruitment in this manner, compound movements are much better for muscle recruitment. Heavy So too is using heavier weights. Heavier weight loads automatically force the body to recruit as much muscle as it needs. So heavier lifting is one of the best ways to get lots of muscle fiber going. In this manner muscle recruitment is fairly simple – go heavy. Hard Another tool for maximum muscle recruitment is the intensity that you bring to the set of reps. More intensity really dials up the muscle recruitment. And lower intensity doesn't require nearly as much muscle recruitment. Put these elements together – compound movements, heavy lifting and going hard - and you have the recipe for a lot of muscle recruitment. Explode And there is one more thing, something slightly out of the box, that also elevates muscle recruitment to maximum levels. That's using explosive movements like the clean & jerk. Explosive movements recruit lots of muscle fiber – muscle fiber that you don't normally use, the high end fast twitch muscle. You want to consistently fire up this unique muscle area to get even more muscle fiber recruitment. Submit A Fitness Tip If you have a tip you'd like to share e-mail it to us How to Recruit More Muscle Fibers