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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

An open letter to "hard gainers" or anyone else 
who has had trouble with gaining muscle mass...

"Even the Hardest of Hard Gainers Can Pack on 10, 
20, even 40 Pounds Of Rock-Hard, Muscle In The 
Next 45 Days... Working Out 45 Minutes or Less!"

If you're frustrated with your lack of muscle gains
and you’d like to gain anywhere from 11 to 40 pounds 
of muscle in the next 45 days, you’re going to want 
to read this page.

Go to The Fastest Way To Gain Muscle Mass

     Fitness Tips For 5/23/2012

Multi Angle Training Workout

When talking about multi-angle training in order to maximize your
gains you should be aware that we are not all the same. It is 
important to note here that any bodybuilder who has been training 
for 18 months or more will know that the key to continued success 
is simply "progression".

This means that if you get to a point in your training that you go
to the gym and lift the same weights that you did last week then 
you know very well that nothing will happen, or rather very little. 
Multi-angle workouts is something that can possibly help you break
out of that plateau.

There are many different and creative ways of using multi-angles 
and we will only be looking at chest in this article only because 
going through the whole body would just land up being too long to
digest in one sitting.

Unless you are one of the fortunate few that have chosen your 
parents correctly and you the genetics of a Greek God you will 
need to keep an open mind about your continuing progress. The only
way you are going to keep putting on good quality muscle is by 
learning and experimenting.

It is important to mention here that most if not all the 
recommendations for sets and reps written below are not for 
beginners. The reason is simply that a beginner will not be able
to cope with the physical and mental training intensity of what
is recommended.

Just a brief note on multi-angle workouts is that they are 
specifically used in order to vary motor unit recruitment and 
create as much stimulation as possible.

Multi Angle Chest Workout

1. Bench Press

2. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

3. Dips

4. Dumbbell Fly or Peck Deck

Do  4 giant sets.

Each exercise is performed for a max of 8 or 10 reps, although 
this drops off heavily as you fatigue.

No rest between sets / 90 seconds rest between each cycle.

Hypertrophy workouts should be as short as possible, whilst also 
squeezing in as much volume as we can. With the wildly differing 
angles and motor unit recruitment it could mean that the 
performance drop off and fatigue isn’t as great as if exercises 
were more similar in design.

Note: For more information on mass building workouts, checkout Muscle Express.

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Multi Angle Training Workout

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