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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Turn Your Body Into A Fat Burning Furnace With

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For full details go to Herbal Fat Melter

     Fitness Tips For 3/26/2014

Interesterified Fat Bad For Health

Beware Of This Killer Fat If you are what you eat, if it is true that diet makes up as much as 50-85 % of success in fitness as some have claimed, then it makes sense to watch what you put into your mouth. And the more lean and muscular you want to be, the more you have to keep an eye on it. One element you want to be looking for in particular is a substance called "interesterified fat." Interesterified fat is an artificial fat that is now starting to be produced by industry in place of trans fat. Trans fat was bad enough, and when pressure arose to get rid of it, big industry simply replaced one bad fat with another (be aware, however, that some companies are still putting trans fat in foods). And both are really bad. Trans fat, for instance, may stick in your body for a long, long time. Perhaps that's why your belly won't go away – it is full of artificial fat that the body doesn't know how to dispose of. So too with interesterified fat. Of course you will want to be diligent to avoid all kinds of artificial fats because they don’t do anything good for your waistline or your muscles, and worse, they damage your body internally. That is particularly true of interesterified fat as it is not only bad for the belly, it is also very bad for the heart. Some researchers indicate that it is even worse than trans fat. There are a few prominent places where interesterified fat is starting to show up. One of these is the tortilla. Many of the main tortilla makers now put interesterified fat in their tortilla product. Another product where interesterified fat is showing up is in peanut butter. Many manufacturers have turned to interesterified fat for use in peanut butter. One thing to be wary of is that industry gets tricky about listing this fat in their products. So label it as interesterified fat, but others do not. Dr. Joseph Meracola points out: The FDA has ruled that food manufacturers can use terms like high stearate or stearic fats in place of "interesterified." To confuse things even further, if you see the terms fully hydrogenated vegetable oil, palm oil and/or palm kernel oil on labeling, the product may or may not contain interesterified fat. And beware eating out, because while restaurants and their suppliers are touting removal of trans fats from the foods they serve, very little is being said about the fats that are replacing them. He goes on to note - "The bottom line is that if a processed food label includes 'vegetable oil' as an ingredient, you can be absolutely sure you're about to consume either interesterified fats, or trans fats." So be wary of this very bad fat and totally avoid it if you want to protect both your mid-section and your heart. Submit A Fitness Tip If you have a tip you'd like to share e-mail it to us
Interesterified Fat Bad For Health

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