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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

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     Fitness Tips For 1/25/2012

How To Vary Your Workout Volume

One Size Does Not Fit All
By Dwayne Hines

Are you locked into one approach to volume output when it comes to
training?  Many guys get into a groove and just go with it for 
extended periods of time.  However, recent research published in the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (January 2012) comes 
to the conclusion that one size does not fit all.  And not only 
that, individuals may find a need to vary the volume at different 
times in the year.

The researchers come to the conclusion that volume is variable that 
requires constant consideration.  In other words, you have to think 
about the volume output for each exercise.  Doing the same thing 
again and again isn't necessarily the best way to go.

The study pointed out the very real possibility of overtraining that
can occur from high volume training schemes employed at the high 
volume level for extended periods of time.

However, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.  Another 
interesting result of the study was the finding that 4 set and 8 set
protocols (using the squat as the weight load) produced strength 
increases in 3 weeks but the 1 set approach did not.  This "suggests
that volume does play a role" according to the researchers.  They 
also suggested that volume can be critical for short term gains, 
with higher volume more likely to produce those gains.  But don't 
forget that if you leave the volume on high too long, you may undo 
those gains. 

You want to use volume as a training variable but you also need to 
be aware that too much volume can push your body too far into 
overdrive.  And there is even a time for single set exercises.  They
can be employed when you are feeling a bit under the weather -  a 
little too down to get in the big workout.  At this point a single 
set exercise enables you to maintain what you have and not lose 

Training volume should not be taken for granted, and it should not 
be the same all of the time.  Vary your volume according to your 
weekly workout needs.

Dwayne Hines is the author of "The Growth Zone" – a new approach to 
building mass muscle fast. 
See https://www.trulyhuge.com/fast-muscle-growth.html

And "Conditioning for Fighting" – a mixed training approach for those 
who want to improve their fight conditioning. 
See https://www.trulyhuge.com/conditioning-for-fighting.html

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How To Vary Your Workout Volume

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