___________________________________________ Truly Huge Fitness Tips Presented by TrulyHuge.com ___________________________________________ Got Testosterone? One of the main secrets to gaining solid muscle mass is to increase your body’s level of that magic muscle-builder... Testosterone...The Quickest Way to Pack On Muscle Mass Of course, the easiest (and also illegal) way to do this is by using anabolic steroids. Steroids definitely increase testosterone levels...that is basically what steroids are...synthetic testosterone. But the gains you make while on them come with a price. And I'm not just talking about money... There are many health risks associated with steroid use...and it’s really discouraging when you lose most of what you gained when you go off of them. The trick has been to find a safe, natural, and legal way to boost testosterone levels and avoid the side effects traditionally associated with steroid use. The answer may be in stacking the best supplements and herbs for high testosterone production while also adding ingredients that provide protection against estrogen increases and other possible side effects. Athletes are looking to this type of stack as a legal, natural and safer alternative to steroids as means to increase size, strength, and performance. For more information go to Andro-Shock ____________________________________________ Fitness Tips For 12/28/2011 ____________________________________________ How To Make Progress In The Gym By Oliver Wolter, inventor of The X-Size Program see Bodybuilding Software No matter what your goal is: muscle mass, strength, speed, etc. the most important factor in your training program is... Making Progress Progressive overload is what makes your muscle grow bigger, stronger and faster. And it is the core of any successful training program. The following are the three basic ways to make gym progress: 1. Increase reps: Many workout programs suggest for example 8 to 12 reps. This means you start your sets with 8 reps and every workout you should add reps until you can do 12 reps. Once you reach 12 reps, you raise the resistance and start the cycle all over again. 2. Increase resistance: This can be done as above or you can stay at the same number of reps and raise the resistance each workout. You should add resistance in the smallest jumps you can, try for only 2.5 or even less. You can even add resistance while lowering the number of reps over time. 3. Increase sets: This method gives you a range for your sets, for example "3-5 sets of 10 reps". You start by doing 3 sets of 10 reps and each workout you add one more set. When you can do 5 sets of 10 reps you increase the resistance and go back to 3 sets and work your way back up again. Now, that you know how to progress, take a look at your own workouts and analyze them. Are you progressing in at least one of the three above? If not, you will have to make adjustments to your training so that you will make progress. The following is the golden rule for achieving whatever goal you want in the gym: You Must Increase At Least One Of The Following Each Week IF You Want To Make Progress In The Gym: More Reps More Resistance or More Sets If You Don't Do The Above You Will Not Get Bigger, Stronger or Faster. If you want to skyrocket your strength and size gains use my X-Size Software to design and monitor your workouts, go to Bodybuilding Software To your success, Oliver Build up your muscles 312% faster with X-Size X-Size is more than another Training System - it's software with an build in A.I. (artificial intelligence). It perfectly adapts to anyone's needs. With this system you can build up muscles 312% faster than ever before. You can also drop fat 66.7% faster. It will make you stronger fast - if you want to be the next who bench presses over 300 pounds this is your way. If you're serious about getting YOUR DREAM BODY - and want to use a shortcut, then go to Bodybuilding Software Submit A Fitness Tip If you have a tip you'd like to share e-mail it to usHow To Make Progress In The Gym