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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

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     Fitness Tips For 7/8/2015

How to End Junk Food Cravings

Junk food is the downfall of many a good bodybuilder and may be holding you back as well. Studies show that ingesting junk food for as little as three days can throw your metabolism out of whack and put on unwanted fat. You have to get rid of the junk food because it contains nothing beneficial for the body so therefore it won't build muscle. And it also actually harms the body. So you want to go cold turkey on the junk food. But don't do so without a plan or you will soon start craving the garbage. Here's how you overcome those cravings. Fruit Focus Instead of junk food, have fruit in its place. But not just any fruit – make it the real tasty stuff. Like pineapple. Blueberries. Watermelon. Peaches. Mangoes. Strawberries. Dates. Berries. Bananas. Figs. Or whatever you like best. And for an occasional super treat, try this: toast a high fiber, whole wheat waffle up and spread a little bit of fruit yoghurt, and then finally put some berries on top of that. It's delicious. It's a lower calorie treat that doesn't elevate the sugar count too high, and it is a great way to keep your cravings under control. Cheat Treat Once a week or once every couple of weeks, allow yourself a cheat treat. But here are the parameters – no artificial ingredients. So you don't buy junk food from the store – that's full of artificial garbage and out of bounds. But if your sister makes some chocolate chip cookies, or you can get a homemade brownie, then go ahead and have one. But don't go overboard, and only cheat once every week or two. Letting yourself have that rare treat will help prevent burn out in your diet and keep you on track to stay trim. Submit A Fitness Tip If you have a tip you'd like to share e-mail it to us
How to End Junk Food Cravings

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