___________________________________________ Truly Huge Fitness Tips Presented by TrulyHuge.com ___________________________________________ Can you really build muscle without weights? Mike Thiga transformed himself from a scrawny 148 pounds to a massive 187 pounds. In slightly less than 6 months, he packed on 39 pounds of solid muscle, all without ever lifting a weight or going to the gym. Learn how he did it in Build Muscle Without Weights ____________________________________________ Fitness Tips For 8/8/2012 ____________________________________________ How To Do One Legged Squats By Mike Thiga You do not need any fancy equipment in order to get a great body doing progressive calisthenics has proven itself to work very effectively. You can tone, tighten and reshape your whole body only using your own bodyweight without lifting heavy weights. For example strengthening and reshaping your legs is something can be very effectively achieved by doing one legged bodyweight squats. If you get to the point where you can do 5 full range reps you will see a big difference in a short space of time. One should start by doing this movement in mid-range and not trying it with full range when you first start. Flexibility is important as you need to keep your foot that is on the ground flat on the ground without coming up on your toes. The way to do this is by starting with your leg that you are not standing on to be in front of you or even resting on a ball or a low shelf. Then lower yourself down to the point at which you feel your heel start to lift up. This means that you need to get more flexibility in your Achilles tendons. In order to maintain your balance you will need to lean forward so that when you are at the bottom of the squat your chest is nearly touching your quad. Keeping everything tight make sure that your weight does not go beyond your toes of the leg that is doing the lifting. If you have started doing one legged squats using any support like resting your other leg on a desk or something you then need to start lifting your leg and doing it with your full bodyweight. Even if you are not yet flexible enough to do a full range rep you should start practicing on your balance. One can start doing this by simply pushing your one leg out straight in front of you. Then lowering yourself to even mid-range is a good way to start in order to increase your balance and flexibility as well. The other option of cause is to start at the bottom with your knee bent and try and lift yourself up with your other leg in front of you. The only way you are going to get to a point where you can do 5 or 10 free full range one legged squats is by progressive resistance. This means that using your own bodyweight you can progressively put more weight on the one leg by improving your balance as well and the depth of the squat. It is a good idea to do a workout of legs by starting with doing these one legged squats and then move onto two legged squats. This type of pre-exhaustion is something that will improve the results that you get very quickly. It is important to note that very few people are able to do a one-legged squat when first starting out. You need practice in order to get to the point where you can do even one rep with full range. It just takes a bit of dedication like everything in life practice makes perfect. For more information on bodyweight training checkout... Bodyweight Training For Mass Submit A Fitness Tip If you have a tip you'd like to share e-mail it to usHow To Do One Legged Squats