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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

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     Fitness Tips For 6/8/2011

Hindu Squat Workout

My intention is to bring something new and fresh that will enhance
your training such as using hindu squats as the foundation of your 
bodyweight exercises workout.

During my search to find a workout that would enhance my functional
strength, help me tone up, increase my conditioning, and improve my
health, I’ve come across a  workout that truly seems to work.

Hindu squats increases muscle mass while raising my metabolism. It 
drastically improves all three energy systems in my body. And,
best of all, it really only takes about 20 minutes to 1/2 hour to 
complete each morning.

Hindu squats or Uthak-bethak (Hindi: Standing and sitting) is an 
Indian calisthenic bodyweight exercise used by Indian wrestlers 
and other athletes to build leg endurance and strength.

Unlike the reqular squat, your heels are elevated when performing 
hindu squats, this shifts your knees far forward. This places more 
stress than usual upon the quadriceps. Also due to the elevated 
heels, the plantar flexors are recruited more than in regular 

Due to the lack of stability in the exercise compared to a normal 
squat, adding additional weight must be done more conservatively. 
The exercise is more suited to higher repetitions which compensate
for the lack of maximum resistance. Even when adding it, one can 
build up to higher repetitions with a lower weight before switching 
to a higher one.

One critical technique with hindu squats is deep rhythmic breathing.
I find that if I don't control my breathing I tend to tire out too
quickly even though my legs feel like they could do a few more reps.

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Hindu Squat Workout

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