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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Pumped Extreme Review

Hi, my name is Frank Perri and I am 5 ft 1 and now 
165 pounds and 40 years old.

I have been in this lifestyle for over 20 years, I 
am in great health so I decided to try your product 
"Pumped Extreme", and in 7 to 9 days your product 
kicked in and man what a difference. 

I have competed in 1998 to 2001 as as a bantam 
weight and 143 lbs contest weight, and your product 
made me feel like I did while I was competing. Hard, 
dense and very vascular, the pumps are awesome just 
like you said. I love this product and have been 
telling every body about it.

Thanks for a no B.S. product that works.

Frank Perri

For full details go to Pumped Extreme

     Fitness Tips For 1/9/2013

Ergogenix Quantum Body Method Workouts

If you have been reading bodybuilding magazines over the years then
the Ergogenix quantum body method with be nothing new to you as it 
is a compilation of many weight training techniques. Probably the 
main reason why it is so effective is because it takes the best and 
puts it to use.

Some of these well-known and more often than not very advanced 
techniques are pre-exhaustion, body part sequencing, and giant sets. 
The flexible QBM will adapt to any purpose or fitness level and can 
facilitate any objective that you might have and show you how to 
get results.

You might be concerned about exactly what this involves and there 
are many different videos that you can find on Utube dealing with 
the specifics on exactly how the Ergogenix quantum body method 
works. To give you an idea there is a brief list of one of the 
training programs listed below.

It should be stressed that what is listed below s not for beginners 
and that you should not attempt anything like this unless you have 
been training at least for a year, if not longer. It is also 
important to note that when getting results from all this hard, 
intense training you need to eat correctly and rest correctly.

But it goes farther than that as the only way to be successful at 
bodybuilding is by getting the correct combination of drinking the 
correct amount of liquid every day. It also needs the correct 
amount of sleep and most importantly the correct eating pattern.

Incline Press: Pyramid Sets - 5 sets
1st Set - Use light weight to medium weight for warm-up - 10-30 reps
2nd Set - Increase weight by 10-20 lbs - 10 reps
3rd Set - Increase weight again - 10 reps
4th Set - Decrease weight to what was used in set 2 - 10 reps
5th Set - Back to warm-up weight - microscopically slow - to failure

Flat Press: 3 sets of 15 reps
Decline Press: 3 sets of 10 reps
Pushups: To failure
3 Giant Sets:
High Flyes: 10 reps
Medium Flyes: 10 reps
Low Flyes: 10 reps
3 Giant Sets:
EZ Bar Curls: 20 reps
Hammer Curls: 20 reps
Alternating Hammer/Regular Curls: 20 reps
Reverse Barbell Curls: 20 reps

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Ergogenix Quantum Body Method Workouts

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