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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

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     Fitness Tips For 8/28/2013

Advantages of Decline Bench Press

Power Isolation Movement for the Chest

There aren't too many exercises where you can get the benefits of 
both power and isolation as most powerful movements are compound in
nature. However, there is one exercise, while essentially a compound
power movement, helps isolate a muscle group that many guys try to 
target - the chest. The movement? The decline bench press. This 
unique move allows you to place a very heavy weight load on the 
muscles while at the same time targeting the chest muscles in 

Some of the very best professional bodybuilders actually employ the
decline bench press as their primary chest building exercise. Why? 
They are concerned that the other two major styles of bench press, 
the prone and the incline, tend to bring too many other muscles into
the picture. They like the decline bench press because it isolates 
the chest muscles and gives the chest a tremendous workout. The 
decline bench press specifically takes the shoulder muscles out of 
the action.

It turns out the bodybuilder's hunch about the decline bench press 
is correct. In a Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 
article (Glass and Armstrong, August 1997), researchers found that
the decline bench press was able to significantly increase the 
activation of the lower pectoralis major compared to other movements.
That's where the majority of the muscle lies, and the decline bench 
press nails this region hard.

As you perform the decline bench press your body is tilted back and 
the bar travels at a different angle than it does with traditional 
bench pressing. With this slightly different angle, some people 
discover that they are able to lift more weight from the decline 
position than they can from the prone bench press position. Dorian 
Yates, multi Mr. Olympia, liked to use the decline bench press above
all others as he felt it shifted more emphasis to the pecs instead 
of the front deltoids. You would frequently find the decline bench 
press in Dorian's chest routine.

One other factor in installing the decline bench press in your 
workout - don't make it a marginal, minimally used factor. Instead, 
make it the main show for a cycle or two of chest training and watch
how your chest responds. Prioritize it and put the decline bench 
press at the front end of your routine where it gets the best 
training results.  Get in several sets each workout of this 
wonderful chest building tool.

Note: To learn about the best exercises and workouts for fast muscle 
gains checkout Muscle Building Software

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Advantages of Decline Bench Press

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