___________________________________________ Truly Huge Fitness Tips Presented by TrulyHuge.com ___________________________________________ Burn 1,500 Calories In One Workout Maybe you have heard the rumors from people who were allowed to test it, but now it's official: The book "The 1,500 fat calories training" is finally available! If you want to get into the shape of your life on the easiest way possible, then you should go to the following address: 1,500 Fat Calories Training ____________________________________________ Fitness Tips For 2/8/2012 ____________________________________________ Core Strengthening Exercises Strengthening your Core Compared to the caveman that we have learned from in the history books, we have become a very lazy society. And if you think about it, we are a society that is completely obsessed with our bodies and the way we look and dress and feel, but we do not even realize how badly we are killing ourselves! If you think about it, and refer back to the times when the cavemen did roam the Earth, we are not even close to being in the same shape as the cavemen were. That is because we sit at desks all day, or sit in front of the television every weekend. We have technology at our disposal and we use it to our advantage to become even lazier than we were 50 years ago! Cavemen back in the day actually had to fight to survive. They had to hunt, and kill their own food, they had to come up with ways to keep warm, and basically stay alive. So, when it comes to being healthy, and living a better life, what are people talking about when they talk about "training your inner core"? And when they start talking about cavemen, what are they referring to exactly, and what does it have to do with you? Think about, like we talked about earlier, cavemen had to fight for survival; this included hunting their food, their clothing, and their living situations. It is not like a caveman could just walk on down the street to the local market to pick up a few steaks to throw on the barbeque. These cavemen did a lot of running, climbing as well as lifting, pushing, and pulling. It did not matter what they had to do to survive, they accomplished it. So, if you think about it and compare and contrast between caveman times and our current times, we look like a bunch of lazy slobs, and because of the jobs that we do, and the convenience of everything around us, many of us do not live very active lives. Most of us go to work, and sit at a desk all day, five times a week, and when we come home, we eat our dinner, and sit on the couch in front of the television. We use our jobs as an excuse not to get out there and go for a run, or take the dog out for a walk. Not only are our jobs an excuse, our parents are as well, because they never instilled that aspect into us while we were growing up. Think of your body's core, as your power plant, where all of your energy comes from. If that power plant fails, and runs out of energy, how are you going to be able to live? You will accurately fall apart from the inside. And think about it this way, not only are your core muscles important, all of the organs that help to keep you alive like your heart, spine, liver, kidneys, and lungs are all located within your core area. By building a strong core, you are building a stronger body that will enable you to live longer, and be freer throughout your life! Core Strengthening Exercises Abdominal Crunch - Lay on your back, with your knees bent and your hands crossed on your chest. Slowly raise up crunching your abs and pressing your lower back to the floor. Slowly lower back down and repeat for reps. Leg Raises - Lie flat on your back, with your arms at your sides. While keeping your legs together and straight, slowly lift them upward until they are straight up. Slowly lower them back down and repeat for reps. Side Crunch - Lay on your back with your legs to one side and your knees bent. Slowly lift your upped back up off the floor. Hold the side crunched position for a second and then slowly lower them back down and repeat for reps. Rest for a minute and then do your other side. Side Leg Raise - Lay on your side, with one arm bent to rest your head on. While keeping both legs straight, lift your upper leg, hold for a second and then slowly lower down and repeat for reps. Rest for a minute and then do your other side. Hyperextensions - Lay face down on the hyperextension bench, and put your ankles under the pads. Cross your arms on your chest or behind your head and slowly bend forward at the waist as far as you can go without rounding your back, and then slowly come back up to the starting position and repeat for reps. Reverse Hyperextensions - Lay face down on the reverse hyperextension machine, so that your hips are right at the edge and your legs hanging down. While keeping your legs straight lift them up until even with your body, then slowly lower down and repeat for reps. Submit A Fitness Tip If you have a tip you'd like to share e-mail it to usCore Strengthening Exercises