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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

I'm gonna PROVE that Everyone Is Dead Wrong When They Say
You Can't Gain Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time!

I've discovered an effective and efficient training system that 
allows you to actually pack on lean muscle WHILE you melt off 
unwanted fat.

If you want to gain muscle mass and lose fat in the fastest and 
easiest way Possible... this will be one of the most important 
messages you read...

Go to Build Muscle Lose Fat

     Fitness Tips For 5/9/2012

How to Build Muscle While Losing Fat

Can you really build muscle and burn fat at the same time?

Yes, you can! As long as you follow these muscle building 
and fat burning rules:


Your workouts should be intense. You should be taking no more than 
60 second breaks between sets, and your workouts should not last 
longer than 1 hour. 

Don't waste time doing high reps with light weights because that is a 
myth, and you won't get ripped doing it.

Lift heavy, as that is how you build muscle.


Eat high in protein but cut back on carbohydrates, this forces your 
body to burn fat for fuel.

Also here are two important facts:

1) In order to build muscle, you need to take in more calories 
than you require in a day.

2) In order to lose fat, you need to take in less calories than
you need in a day.

So if you want to both build muscle and lose fat at the same time,
you will need to cycle between a lower calorie intake and a higher
calorie intake. 

A good way to do this is for the five weekdays eat high protein 
with low carbohydate and lower calorie intake, then on the weekend
you can up the carbohydrates and calories for 2 days before switching
back to the lower level. 


Get at least eight hours of sleep, if you’re young (less than 21) 
strive for nine hours a night or more. Make sure that your body 
part/muscle is recovered before you work it again. 


You need to go in there with the right mindset! It's not always easy
to stay focused and follow the items listed above. You need decide 
for yourself that even if it's hard you are still going to do it and 
stick with it. 

Make short-term goals (ex. this month I will drop 2% fat and gain 
2 lbs. of muscle). 

Reward yourself, (ex. if I stick with it for four weeks with out 
"cheating" I will take myself out to dinner). 

Note: For more information checkout...
The Guide Building Muscle While Losing Fat

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How to Build Muscle While Losing Fat

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