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Build Muscle Faster

Testosterone, your body provides it, but Andro-Shock helps you use it

It's a biological fact, that your body can produce more then enough testosterone, to build strong, huge muscles and burn fat at an accelerated rate.

But the problem is, how can you maximize the benefits of testosterone?

And the solution is Andro-Shock, it is the most complete herbal testosterone support stack available.

Andro-Shock is designed to meet the needs of weight training athletes, each serving contains the following 9 ingredients:

Tribulus Terrestris 750mg, Magnesium Oxide 200mg, Chrysin 75mg, Horny Goat Weed 50mg, Longjack 50mg, Saw Palmetto Berries 50mg, Hawthorn Berries 50mg, Cissus Quadrangularis 50mg, and Zinc Oxide 30mg.

When you utilize more of your bodies own natural testosterone, you can build a bigger, stronger and more ripped body then ever before.

Get some at http://www.trulyhuge.com/andro-sh.htm

You can also order Andro-Shock by calling 800-635-8970 or 503-648-1898, 10 am to 6 pm PST

Bodybuilding and Fitness Newsletter 3/5/2025

How to Build Muscle Faster

If you're reading this website then you'll know that lifting weights will build more muscle as your body becomes accustomed to your increased strength. Some people can spend years adding muscle or getting more toned, but they never seem to make it actually happen.

Sports science has spent decades studying the most effective way to increase your muscle size, without taking steroids. Below are 10 very useful tips to help you break through what might be holding you back. Whether you just want to look better in a swimsuit, get more toned or bulk up, get curvaceous calves, or enhance your chest size, these 10 tips will help build muscle fast..

Tip #1: Lifting Weights (Pumping Iron)

The only reason a muscle gets bigger is because the small microscopic muscle micro-fibers need to tear because of an external force it's not accustomed to. Unless you're a heavy manual laborer doing moving or construction, you simply have to use barbells, dumbbells, and machines to get results.

Tip #2: Multi-Joint Movements

Single joint movements don't build muscle fast, if you want to increase your lean body mass you simply have to get stronger by lifting more weight using compound movements. Movements like cleans, deadlifts, bench-press, squats work more muscles using less time, allowing you to use a lot heavier weight than you'd use with a single-joint exercise.

Tip #3: Heavy Weight

Sports science tells us that when trying to maximize muscle growth, training should be done using 8-12 repetitions per set, doing 3-8 sets for each exercise. They tell us that we should use a weight that will lead to muscle failure when you get to the last rep.

Tip #4: No Cardio

Extra calories are required to speed up muscle repair and should not be wasted on cardio.

Tip #5: Eat

One pound of muscle needs at least an extra 3,500 extra calories a week. Sports science tells us that an achievable rate of muscle gain is around 1-2 pounds a week, this means you'll need to eat an extra 500-1,000 calories a day to gain the required 3,500-7,000 extra calories you'll need every week.

Tip #6: Supplements

Without a doubt the addition of a high quality protein powder plus some creatine supplementation has proven to increase muscle fiber repair. Popular muscle-building supplements like beta-alanine or nitric oxide will only get small results; protein and creatine have proven themselves.

Tip #7: Rest

If you're training properly and reaching the point of muscle failure, then you need to rest at least 72 hours before you even think of hitting that muscle again. Split routine works when you do shoulders and chest on Monday's and Thursday's, legs on Tuesday's and Friday's, and then back and arms on Wednesday's and Saturday's.

Tip #8: Recovery

Recovery is vital, you need to optimize your recovery by doing anything from cold showers, ice baths,, foam rolling, massage therapy, stretching, deep breathing and plenty of sleep.

Tip #9: De-Stress

Stress rapidly drains your testosterone levels while it increases your cortisol levels, which is a catabolic, muscle-damaging hormone. You need to find a way to de-stress; if your heart rate is elevated most of the day then you need to find a way to relax.

Tip #10: Address Hormones

If you're over 30 hormone deficiencies are common, if you are unable to gain muscle when following all the rules, then you need to get your blood tested to check your hormone levels.

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