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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Andro-Shock Works!

I don't have the perfect genes for bodybuilding, nor do I 
have a lot of time to eat the right way. Using the 
Andro-Shock product however I really have seen excellent 
returns on my workout time in the gym. I usually work 55 
plus hours a week and workout at 5:30 in the morning before 
work. Not the ideal circumstances for good nutrition or 
working out. Yet my flat bench went from 225 lbs to 285. 
And as of last week I went up to 290 lbs. My arms have 
grown almost 2". I have noted increases in all body sets. 
And what amazes me is that I haven't got the shaky 
feeling I used to get from other Andro products that 
have been made illegal. Thanks for a non-steroid 
based product that actually works.

Mike Ronnebaum

For more info visit Andro-Shock

     Fitness Tips For 7/9/2014

Bodybuilding Hip Workout

Hit The Hip Hinge Do you train your hip region? This area typically gets ignored – totally ignored – by most people who work out. The hips can’t hold a candle to the biceps as far as glamour goes, but in many aspects they are more important. In fact the hips play a much bigger role in the overall power and strength of the human physique than do the biceps. Some top trainers specifically target the hips as one of five key regions in the body for development. The hips are the gateway for all ground-based power movements. If you are moving something, then typically you have to rely on the hips. Unfortunately many gyms are full of fancy machines that take the hips totally out of the workout. And that leaves a weaker body chain. You can address your hip muscles with a single exercise – the swing lift with a kettlebell. This movement is performed by taking a wide stance and squatting down while swinging a kettlebell back between your legs. From this downward position you explode upward and outward, thrusting the kettlebell up to shoulder level or higher. Make sure that the power from this explosive swing comes from the hips. Get a broad range of motion from the bottom to the top of the movement. Perform several of these kettelell swing movements in rapid fire repetition. Explode on each one. Perform a few sets of this kettlebell swing exercise every week and keep your hips active and powerful. Submit A Fitness Tip If you have a tip you'd like to share e-mail it to us
Bodybuilding Hip Workout

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