___________________________________________ Truly Huge Fitness Tips Presented by TrulyHuge.com ___________________________________________ Can you really build muscle without weights? Mike Thiga transformed himself from a scrawny 148 pounds to a massive 187 pounds. In slightly less than 6 months, he packed on 39 pounds of solid muscle, all without ever lifting a weight or going to the gym. Learn how he did it in Bodyweight Training For Mass ____________________________________________ Fitness Tips For 3/28/2012 ____________________________________________ Best Bodyweight Exercises What can you do when you can't get a gym? If you are busy, on vacation, traveling for work or just want a good workout at home, here are some of the best bodyweight exercises you can do to get a great muscle building and fat burning workout. Chest Dips Hang on the bars with your arms fully extended. Keep your legs bent and crossed together. Slowly lower yourself until your elbows are at about 90 degrees. Focus on your chest muscles as you do this. Now push yourself back up to the top position, but don't lock your elbows. Close Grip Chinups Grip the bar using an under-hand grip (palms facing you), with your hands about 6-8 inches apart. Pull your body up (using bicep muscles only) until your upper chest touches the bar. Then slowly lower your body until your arms and shoulders are fully extended. Repeat. Don't swing your body for momentum. Handstand Pushups Get a few inches away from a wall and kick yourself up into a handstand against the wall. At this point your body should be as straight as possible, with your legs straight up the wall. Slowly lower yourself to the ground. Once your head nearly touches the floor, push yourself back up to the starting position (but don't lock your elbows at the top). One Leg Squats Hold one leg out in front of you and stretch out your arms. Lower yourself slowly using the leg that's on the ground. Make sure your foot is perfectly flat on the floor and that you aren't moving your toes around. At the point where your squatting leg is parallel to the ground, squeeze your stomach muscles as hard as you can and get to the bottom position. Hold the bottom position for 1 second then push yourself back up to starting position. This exercise is done one leg at a time. Hanging Knee Raise Hang from chin-up bar. Lift your knees up towards your chin while rounding your back slightly during each movement. At the top of each rep, hold and squeeze your abs, then lower your legs in a controlled fashion. Do not use momentum to swing your legs up. For more information on bodyweight workouts checkout... How To Build Muscle Without Weights Submit A Fitness Tip If you have a tip you'd like to share e-mail it to usBest Bodyweight Exercises