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Arms Too Big

Ecdy-Bolin Review

Hi Paul,

Just thought you'd want to hear my response to your product. And yes you can use it as a review!

I work at a gym and was told by my boss about Ecdy-Bolin - word of mouth is the best advertising!

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Thanks for your product!

Ron Sapp

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Bodybuilding and Fitness Newsletter 10/30/2024

Can Your Arms Ever Be TOO Big?

Big arms are the hallmark of a strong, masculine physique, and both men and women are drawn to huge, ripped guns. Even so, you have undoubtedly noticed some guys in the gym whose arms almost look TOO big, though maybe you can’t put your finger on why that is.

So, if monster arms are among the goals of most lifters, is it really possible for your arms to be TOO big?

The truth is that your guns CAN become overpowering under certain circumstances, and it’s your responsibility as a physique athlete to keep that from happening.

Genetics Rule

The first thing you need to understand about arm growth and their size relative to your other muscle groups is that much depends on your genetics. Some guys are born with great arm genes and can grow big bis and tris just by looking at a weight. Others struggle with curls and triceps extensions for years without ever building any really big beef, though maybe their chests and backs are decent.

There’s not much you can do to change your genetics, but you CAN make the most of what you have and keep your development in balance as much as possible.

Why Arms Can Be Too Big

There are two major problems with monster arms: strength and aesthetics.

First, if your arms become really strong, they can overpower your chest and back muscles on compound movements like presses and rows. This will leave you with underdeveloped pecs and lats, which should be larger than your arms. It can also lead to strength imbalances and set you up for injury.

The second problem is about appearance. While we all want big arms, it’s pretty strange to see huge slabs of meat sticking out of short sleeves when the chest and back attached to those guns are puny. If you’re at all interested in building an aesthetic, balanced physique, this can be a real problem.

How Do Arms Get Out of Balance?

Aside from genetics, the main culprit in producing arms that are out of whack with the rest of your physiques is a skewed training focus.

Because society in general, and especially the gym culture, places so much emphasis on the showy arm muscles, it’s only natural that beginners often spend hours pumping up their biceps and triceps with little thought to the rest of their body parts. Sure, they might knock off several sets of bench presses and flyes, but back and legs are often an afterthought, at best.

When this happens, your arms get a jump start on the rest of your physique, in terms of both strength and size. That gets harder to correct as the months and years roll by, so it’s imperative that you strive for balance at all times.

The “simple” solution to any physique imbalance, then, is to focus first on compound movements for your major muscle groups: legs, chest, back. Then, add in arm training as a supplement to ensure complete development. By prioritizing your overall development and realizing that arms are a small muscle group, you’ll be well on your way to building a solid physique capped off by the best guns you can possibly craft.

Want Even More Information About Building Huge Arms?

If you want to learn ALL about how to build massive, ripped guns, be sure to check out Lost Secrets of Building Huge Arms Fast

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