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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Shrink Your Waistline

Did You Know That...

"Arnold Schwarzenegger called this the most crucial area for 
mastering your physique!"

Are You Spending All Your Time Working Every Muscle Area 
but the Most Important?

Fail to get this area right and the rest of your training 
won't add up to much at all.  Unfortunately many people fall 
into this trap.

Have you been putting most of your training emphasis on 
the wrong areas?

Checkout How to Get Your Abs to Show

     Fitness Tips For 8/26/2015

Abs Not Showing Bodybuilding

Do You Know Where Your Abs Are? If you are a non-competitive bodybuilder, athlete or fitness buff, do you know where your abs are? That is, have you seen them in the last year or so? Many non-competitive bodybuilders maintain a fat percentage level that is high enough so that they never see them and this begs the question – "Do you know where your abs are?". Finding Your Abs by the 10 Percent Range How do you find your abs? The first step, and the biggest step, is to get your fat percentage below the 10 percent range. As long as your fat percentage levels are above 10 percent you won't see your abs. If you want to see your abs you have to dip down into the single digit range. Once you do this, you will be able to see your abs. But will there be anything to see once you do strip off the fat? You do gain some ab work from general weight training due to the core's involvement in various exercises. But if you want to ensure that when you dig down to find your abs, you have something muscular there, you want to do some direct ab work. The good news is that you don’t need to do a ton of exercise to get your abs to a point where they are noticeable. A handful of hard sets, performed regularly, will do the trick. What exercise do you perform the sets with? One great ab exercise is the hanging knee raise. Use your abs to lift your legs up, way up, and then down again. Perform it for a couple of sets of 20 reps and you will get a good burn in your abs. Another simple but effective exercise is the ½ sit up. This is performed as it sounds – you go half way up in the sit up. This is the effective range for the waist. Perform a couple of sets of these after the hanging leg raise and get in 20 reps per set. Drop your fat percentage and see if you can find your abs. And if they need some work, hit them with a few hard sets twice a week. Submit A Fitness Tip If you have a tip you'd like to share e-mail it to us
Abs Not Showing Bodybuilding

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