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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

An open letter to "hard gainers" or anyone else 
who has had trouble with gaining muscle mass...

"Even the Hardest of Hard Gainers Can Pack on 10, 
20, even 40 Pounds Of Rock-Hard, Muscle In The 
Next 45 Days... Working Out 45 Minutes or Less!"

If you're frustrated with your lack of muscle gains
and you’d like to gain anywhere from 11 to 40 pounds 
of muscle in the next 45 days, you’re going to want 
to read this page.

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     Fitness Tips For 1/14/2015

5 Rep Power Workout

For some reason a five repetition range lends itself well to building power and muscle mass. Powerlifters often employ a five rep set, particularly when they start a training cycle. And notable author Brooks Kubrik, who also aims his training at power, frequently used a 5 rep range to build up his strength. Five repetitions is about half of the typical 8-10 repetition scheme of most workouts. That lets you double down on the power output because you have fewer reps to focus on. You can put in a tremendously focused output on those five reps. The lower rep range is why most powerlifters can get so much weight lifted. Here is your five rep workout: Session One Warm up Bench press - 5 x 5 Close grip bench press - 5 x 5 Seated Barbell Press - 5 x 5 Rest 5 minutes Weighted Chin ups 5 x 5 Session Two Warm up Squat - 5 x 5 Lunge - 5 x 5 Deadlift - 5 x 5 Bent row - 5 x 5 Use heavy weight and good form for each of the five reps. Allow 2-3 days between the two workouts. Submit A Fitness Tip If you have a tip you'd like to share e-mail it to us
5 Rep Power Workout

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