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Mike Mentzer Results

Mike Mentzer Results

Mike Mentzer Heavy Duty Program Results

What kind of results do people get from Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty Training? Read this interview with a man who's strength and muscle gains were literally off the charts from following Mike Mentzer's program.

Off the Charts - An Interview with Jeff Whitlock

By Derek Hardy

Jeff Whitlock is a hard-working businessman sometimes working 14-hour days, a schedule that can make it tough to make significant exercise gains. Jeff is much happier these days, due to his results via his continued telephone consultations with Mike Mentzer.

"Man has been called a rational being, but rationality is a matter of choice and the alternative his nature offers him is rational being or suicidal animal."

Jeff is a rational, intelligent man and took it upon himself to investigate many training ideas. When Jeff discovered Arthur Jones, he told me, "The Nautilus ideas made perfect sense."

The interview that follows is a training journey that is now delivering "off the charts" results. High-intelligence trainers, fasten your Nautilus seat belts and hang on for yet another documented Heavy Duty success story.

DH: Tell us about what has happened since you began consulting with Mike?

JW: My gains have been great since I switched from the routine that I was using.

DH: What routine were you using?

JW: The Nautilus routine from Ellington Darden's book.

DH: It didn't work or what?

JW: Well it worked for about 6 months and then I just hit a sticking point. It was a bit bewildering because all the information was very intelligent and made sense. I think most of the ideas were originally from Arthur Jones.

DH: Jeff, could you give our readers an idea of the routine you were using?

JW: Sure. The idea is to train the whole body three times a week.

DH: When you hit the sticking point, what did you think or do?

JW: I got a little frustrated, then I tried different variations of the Nautilus program. I thought that since I had made good gains for a while on the Nautilus routine, that maybe I could find a way to jump-start my progress. However, it did not work. I just could not make any progress. I decided to find something that would work.

DH: Jeff, before we get to what you did to break that plateau. Tell our readers about your training experience.

JW: I started lifting in high school with the traditional 3 or 4 days multiple set routines. That worked a little but I think it was mostly from just the initial gain everyone gets from starting an exercise program for the first time. I was always thin and that is why I started lifting. I was about 6'1" and170 lbs. When I graduated high school, I needed to lift weights.

DH: Let us get back to the Nautilus routine. Jeff how long did you continue the Nautilus routine after your gains ceased?

JW: I continued for eight months and then I started to seek out a routine that would allow me to gain strength and muscle. I was very motivated because I used to be very lean but over the years I added some fat and got out of shape. In addition, at age 34 it felt like the clock was ticking.

Last winter I thought to myself that this is my last chance to get in the best shape of my life. I heard about Mike Mentzer and his improvements on the Nautilus ideas, but most people in the gym would say negative things, for example, "How can only one set work," etc. I took it upon myself to read Mike's articles and books. I discovered the Heavy Duty Web Site. I found out that Mike was available for telephone consultations and I thought to myself, I would give it a try. I spent enough on every other routine. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain [so] I signed on with Mike for telephone consultation.

Reflecting back, it is the best weight training decision I have made. Mike explained to me that the old Nautilus routines would eventually lead to overtraining. Mike explained I was overtrained and suggested I take a 3-week rest from exercise.

DH: Tell us about your Heavy Duty routine and the results.

JW: Well, I've only been training once every seven days since Mike switched me to the consolidated programs A and B, and my gains are outstanding.

My deadlift has gone up and up. To give you an example when I first started with Mike, I think it's a few months shy of a year ago. I have everything recorded in my training journal. I could deadlift 135 pounds for 11 reps to failure, and my last workout I deadlifted 485 for 11 reps to failure. If you calculate the percentage increase that's a 359% increase since I started Heavy Duty.

DH: Since you have your journal in front of you. Please tell us what you recorded for your most recent deadlift workout, before you switched to a more abbreviated Heavy Duty program?

JW: Sure, I did 380 for 11 reps.

DH: Ok, let me do some math. You did 380 x 11, then 485 x 11 during your most recent workout. So...that's a 105 pound increase and 128% increase. In addition, did you say you are on a low calorie diet?

JW: Yes, and I have lost 8 pounds of fat since I have been on this diet. While increasing my strength incredibly, I am really starting to look great. I am 6'1" tall and weigh 215 pounds and I am going to gain 10 more pounds of lean muscle.

I also increased 170 pounds on the leg press. In addition, from last September until today, I have gone from 35 pounds for five reps to currently 80 pounds for 11 reps. With the weighted dip exercise.

DH: That's double the weight and more than double the reps. That is a 228% increase and again all this on a low calorie diet. That is truly impressive!

JW: A couple other things I want to mention. My wife, Brenda, can't believe what a stud I am. She is impressed with my accomplishments and is very proud of me. My dog, Salvador, is proud to have me behind his leash when we walk through the neighborhood. Before I started Heavy Duty my knees used to ache and now the aches and pains are gone. Also, my training partner, Doug Reiter, was in a car wreck awhile ago and after all the physical therapy he was still experiencing a good deal of back pain. He also is now feeling much better then ever. His leg press has gone up over 300 pounds.

DH: Those results are fantastic. Although, I am not that surprised because many of my personal training clients have experienced the same type of results.

I enjoyed interviewing Jeff Whitlock who truly is a "High Intelligence" Heavy Duty Trainer.

"Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values."

Note: If you don't have the Mike Mentzer DVD, it's a must have, it's like having Mike as you own personal trainer. Get your Mike Menzer Workout DVD and build the physique you've always wanted with Heavy Duty Training!

If you have any questions about Mike Mentzer's training, diet, etc. please email me info@trulyhuge.com or call me at 1-503-648-1898

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